Gebet (2. Fassung) (Hugo Distler)

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  • (Posted 2022-08-25)  CPDL #70541:         
Editor: Charles Pearson (submitted 2022-08-25).   Score information: Letter, 2 pages, 369 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Edition contains text in German and English (by Ed.).

General Information

Title: Gebet (2. Fassung)
Composer: Hugo Distler
Lyricist: Eduard Mörike
Number of voices: 3vv   Voicing: SSA
Genre: SecularLied

Language: German
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1939
Description: Very brief prayer in two verses.

External websites:

Original text and translations

German.png German text

Herr! schicke, was du willt,
Ein Liebes oder Leides!
Ich bin vergnügt, daß beides
Aus deinen Händen quillt.

Wollest mit Freuden
Und wollest mit Leiden
Mich nicht überschütten!
Doch in der Mitten
Liegt holdes Bescheiden.

English.png English translation

Lord, grant what Thou wilt
Of love or of suffering!
I am satisfied that both
Flow from your hands.

Do not will with joy
Nor with suffering
To overwhelm me.
For in the middle lies
the blessed apportionment.