Latin text
1. Deus, tuorum militum
sors et corona, præmium,
laudes canentes martyris
absolve nexu criminis.
2. Hic (Hæc) nempe mundi gaudia
et blandimenta noxia
caduca rite deputans,
pervenit ad cælestia.
3. Pœnas cucurrit fortiter
et sustulit viriliter;
pro te refundens sanguinem,
æterna dona possidet.
4. Ob hoc precatu supplici
te poscimus, piissime;
in hoc triumpho martyris
dimitte noxam servulis.
5. Ut consequamur muneris
ipsius et consortia,
lætemur ac perenniter
iuncti polorum sedibus.
6. Laus et perennis gloria
tibi, Pater, cum Filio,
Sancto simul Paraclito
in sæculorum sæcula.
Latin text
Alternative text
1. Deus tuorum militum
Sors, et corona, praemium,
Laudes canentes Martyris
Absolve nexu criminis.
2. Hic nempe mundi gaudia,
Et blanda fraudum pabula
mImbuta felle deputans,
Pervenit ad coelestia.
3. Poenas cucurrit fortiter,
Et sustulit viriliter,
Fundensque pro te sanguinem,
Aeterna dona possidet.
4. Ob hoc precatu supplici
Te poscimus, piissime;
In hoc triumpho Martyris
Dimitte noxam servulis.
5. Laus et perennis gloria
Patri sit, atque Filio,
Sancto simul Paraclito,
In sempiterna saecula.
English translation
1. O God, the allotted
crown and the prize of your soldiers.
We sing the praises of your martyr;
Absolve us from the chains of sin.
2. She/He considered the joys
and temptations of the world
to be empty,
thus came to heaven.
3. Bravely he/she ran the way of torture
and suffered courageously,
and, pouring out his/her blood for you,
(now) possesses eternal gifts.
4. Thus we beseech you in suppliant prayers,
O most loving one,
That, on your martyr's day of triumph,
You should forgive your servant’s sins.
5. So that we may obtain the fullness
of the martyr's rewards,
let us forever rejoice,
together in the heavenly abode.
6. Praise and continual glory be given
to God, the Father and Son,
likewise the Holy Spirit
to eternal ages.
- Translation by Campelli
Polish translation
1.Zakutych w wiary twej zbroję,
Korono wiernych rot święta;
Tym, co męczeńskie czczą znoje,
Rozerwij, Boże, win pęta!
3. Utkwił on śmiało wzrok w niebie,
Trud znojnej podjął ofiary
I krew wylawszy za ciebie
Wieczyste z rąk twych wziął dary!
6. Wieczysty triumf i chwała
Niech Ojcu z Synem wraz będzie
I dawcy pociech cześć stała
Po wszystkie wieki brzmi wszędzie!
by ks. Tadeusz Karyłowski