Der Ungelarte (Wizlaw)
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- (Posted 2021-03-07) CPDL #63355: (Click here for Gregorio GABC code)
name: Der Ungelarte; user-notes: Jenær Liederbuch c. 1330; commentary: Wizlav [III von Rügen]; annotation: 75v; centering-scheme: english; %fontsize: 12; %spacing: vichi; %font: palatino; %width: 6; %height: 11; %% (c4) Der[The unlearned one fashioned a longing melody](d) un(e)ghe(f)lar(g)te(d) hat(d) ge(e)ma(f)chet(g) ey(h)ne(g) se(f)nen(e)de(f) wi(g)se[which made me suffer](d) (;) da(d)von(e) lide(f) ich(g) gro[greatly](h)ze(g) not (e) (;z) eer[before I had repeated a single note.](f) ich(e) dar(f)nach(g) sin(h)ghe(g) so(f) ghe(e)taan(f) eyn(g) do(gf)ne.(e) (:)() Iz[It is a hard thing](d) ist(e) so(f) har(g)te(d) daz[to praise him in my own song ](d) ich(e) yn(f) an(g) mi(h)ne(g)me(f) san(e)ghe(f) pri(g)se(d) (;) sint[since in my own time](d) ich(e) iz(f) bi(g) mi(h)nen(g) tzi(f)ten(e) nie[never have I heard any that I thought so fair.](f) han(e) ghe(f)hort(g) durch(h) daz(g) dun(f)ket(e) iz(f) mich(g) sco(gf)ne.(e) (:)(z) Nu[Now I follow him who brought me to this sorrow](fEDg) volghe(g) ich(f) ym(fgh) durch(h) daz(h) her(g) mich(fg) hat(h) ghe(h)bracht(h) in(h) diuo(g) ley(g)de.(df) (;z) Durch[where with pains I explain to men and women](fEDg) daz(g) ich(f) man(fgh)nen(h) und(h) den(g) wi(g)ben(fg) muoz(h) mit(h) phin(h) un(h)der(h)scey(g)de.(df) (:z) Ma[what it is to make a longing these days](fg)chen(hGF) ey(g)ne(g) se(fg)nen(h)de(gf) huo(gh)re.(gf) Daz[that is beautiful and precious.](fg) diuo(hGF) we(g)re(g) sco(fg)ne(h) und(f) tuo(g)re.(fEDe) (:z) So[I wanted to say:](d) wolde(e) ich(f) spre(g)chen(d) nu[Now, by the wand of my art](d) hat(e) ghe(f)gan(g)ghen(h) mi(g)ner(f) kun(e)sten(f) ru(g)te(d) kin[I tell you my children,](d)der(e) alle(f) ich(g) saghe(h) uch(g) daz(f) hi[ here is the sweet sound of the longing plaint!](f) ist(e) di(f)ser(g) <alt>76r</alt>se(h)nen(g)de() cla(f)ghe(e) suo(f)ze(g) lu(gf)te.(e) (::)
- Editor: Richard Mix (submitted 2021-03-07). Score information: Unknown, 1 page, 19 kB Copyright: CPDL
- Edition notes:
General Information
Title: Der Ungelarte
Composer: Wizlaw
Lyricist: Wizlaw
Number of voices: 1v Voicing: solo voice
Genre: Secular, Unknown
Language: German
Instruments: A cappella
First published: 1330 circa Jenaer Liederhandschrift
Description: A plight familiar to very-early music performers as well!
External websites:
- from
- Die Jenaerhandschrift I Band p 127
- Jena digital
Original text and translations
Scribal text (75va) Der vnghelarte |
Normalized MHG text Der Ungelârte |
Normalized MLG text Dê Unghelaârde |
English translation The unlearned one fashioned a longing melody |