Deh torna a me mio sol

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General information

Author: Ludovico Ariosto, 1532 in Orlando Furioso. Canto XLV, ottava 39

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Text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Deh torna a me mio sol, torna, e rimena
la desiata e dolce primavera!
Sgombra i ghiacci e le nevi, e rasserena
la mente mia sì nubilosa e nera.
Qual Progne si lamenta o Filomena
ch’a cercar esca ai figliolini ita era,
e trova il nido voto; o qual si lagna
turture ch’ha perduto la compagna.

English.png English translation

Return, my sun, return! and springtide sweet,
Which evermore I long to see, bring back;
Dislodge the snows and ice with genial hear;
And clear my mind, so clouded o'er and black.
As Philomel, or Progne, with the meat
Returning, which her famished younglings lack,
Mourns o'er an empty nest, or as the dove
Laments himself at having lost is love.

Translation by William Stewart Rose