Congratulamini mihi omnes a 5 (Adrian Willaert)

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  • (Posted 2023-08-28)  CPDL #75057:  Network.png
Editor: Daniel Trocmé-Latter (submitted 2023-08-28).   Score information: Unknown   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: With keyboard reduction. Transposed up a major second. A preview is available, but name and email are required to download complete free licensed copies.
  • (Posted 2023-08-28)  CPDL #75056:  Network.png
Editor: Daniel Trocmé-Latter (submitted 2023-08-28).   Score information: Unknown   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Transposed up a major second. A preview is available, but name and email are required to download complete free licensed copies.

General Information

Title: Congratulamini mihi omnes a 5
Composer: Adrian Willaert
Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SATTB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1539 in Musica quinque vocum liber primus, no. 20
    2nd published: 1539 (August) in Cantiones quinque vocum selectissimae (Peter Schöffer), no. 7

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Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Congratulamini mihi omnes,
qui diligitis Dominum,
quia quem quærebam apparuit mihi.

Et dum flerem ad monumentum
vidi Dominum meum.

English.png English translation

Rejoice with me,
all ye that love the Lord,
for what I sought appeared to me.

And while I was weeping at the tomb
I saw my Lord.