Congratulamini mihi

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General information

Congratulamini mihi begins a number of texts (see 4pp of search results at CANTUS database) for various uses including as a Responsory for the Matins of the BVM.

Below are 2 of them.

"… quia cum essem"

(there seem several of these too!)

Text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Congratulamini mihi omnes qui diligitis Dominum,
quia cum essem parvula, placui Altissimo:
Et de meis visceribus genui Deum et hominem.

Ego quasi vitis fructificavi suavitatem odoris,
et flores mei fructus honoris et honestatis.

Spanish.png Spanish translation

¡Felicitadme todos los que amáis a Dios!,
porque, aunque era insignificante, agradé al Altísimo
y de mis entrañas engendré al Dios y Hombre.
Translation by Alejandro Borrego Pérez

English.png English translation

Rejoice with me, all ye that love the Lord,
for when I was small, I pleased the Most High:
And from my womb I brought forth God and man.

As the vine I have brought forth a sweet odour,
and my flowers are the fruit of honour and truthfulness.

Settings by composers

"… quia quem quaerebam"

Latin.png Latin text

Congratulamini mihi omnes qui diligitis Dominum,
quia quem quaerebam apparuit mihi.
Et dum flerem ad monumentum vidi Dominum meum.

English.png English translation

Rejoice with me, all ye that love the Lord,
for what I sought appeared to me.
And while I was weeping at the tomb, I saw my Lord.

Settings by composers

Other settings possibly not included in the manual list above
