Come Back to Erin (Charlotte Alington Barnard)

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  • (Posted 2023-10-03)  CPDL #75990:     
Editor: David Anderson (submitted 2023-10-03).   Score information: Letter, 12 pages, 207 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Come Back to Erin
Composer: Charlotte Alington Barnard
Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SecularPartsong

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1888 Harper & Bros.
Description: [Ed. Note: Probably an anonymous harmonization of Barnard’s song.]

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

Come back to Erin, Mavourneen, Mavourneen,
Come back, Aroon, to the land of thy birth:
Come with the shamrocks and Springtime, Mavourneen,
And it’s Killarney shall ring with our mirth.
Sure, when we lent ye to beautiful England,
Little we thought of the lone winter days,
Little we thought of the hush of the star-shine
Over the mountain, the bluffs and the brays!

Then come back to Erin, Mavourneen, Mavourneen,
Come back again to the land of thy birth:
Come back to Erin, Mavourneen, Mavourneen,
And it’s Killarney shall ring with our mirth.

Over the green sea, Mavourneen, Mavourneen,
Long shone the white sail that bore thee away,
Riding the white waves that fair summer mornin’,
Just like a May-flower afloat on the bay.
O, but my heart sank when clouds came between us!
Like a grey curtain, the rain falling down,
Hid from my sad eyes the path o’er the ocean,
Far, far away, where my Colleen had flown.

O, may the angels o’ wakin’ and sleepin’,
Watch o’er my bird in the land far away,
And it’s my prayers will consign to their keepin’
Care o’ my jewel by night and by day.
When by the fireside I watch the bright embers,
Then all my heart flies to England and thee,
Cravin’ to know if my darlin’ remembers,
Or if her thoughts may be crossin’ to me.