Che comanda?
Dove nasce sta bevanda
Sta bevanda nasce al Monte
Che comanda?
Dove nasce sta bevanda
Sta bevanda vien de la Costa
Che comanda?
Dove nasce sta bevanda
Sta bevanda nasc’ al Braccio
Che comanda?
Dove nasce sta bevanda
Sta bevanda nasce del Tiro
Che comanda?
Dove nasce sta bevanda
Sta bevanda nasce a la Bevagna
Buon pro ti faccia
Bevilo tutto
Che’l buon vin fa sempre frutto.
English translation
I. Cicirlanda! [1]
II. What would you like to order?
I. Where does this drink come from?
II. This drink comes from Bacchus' Hill.
I. Let's swill it! [2]
I. Cicirlanda!
II. What would you like to order?
I. Where does this drink come from?
II. This drink comes from Topers' Hollow.
I. Let's swallow it! [3]
I. Cicirlanda!
II. What would you like to order?
I. Where does this drink come from?
II. This drink comes from sunny Spain.
I. Let's drain it! [4]
I. Cicirlanda!
II. What would you like to order?
I. Where does this drink come from?
II. This drink comes from the Sign of the Trough.
I. Let's quaff it! [5]
I. Cicirlanda!
II. What would you like to order?
I. Where does this drink come from?
II. This drink comes from the vintner's rack.
I. Let's knock it back! [6]
I. Propose a toast, company!
II. May it do you good!
Drink it all
Because good wine never comes amiss.
1. Florio's 1611 Italian/English Dictionary: Cicerlándia 'a boies play used in Italie'
2. from 'monte' = 'mount' we have here 'montemola' = let's mount it, i.e. 'let's drink it'
3. from 'costa' = 'coast' we have here 'costemola' = let's go near to it, i.e., as above, 'let's drink it'
4. from 'a braccio' = 'approximately' we have here 'braccemola' = let's embrace it
5. from 'tiro' = 'to plug' we have here 'tiremola' = let's hug it, maybe in the meaning of 'let's suck it'
6. there is a city with this name, 'Bevagna', near Perugia, but, more generally, in Italian the name associates to 'land of the drink', so 'let's drink it!'