ChoralWiki:Texts of works not yet added

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Texts on this page have been added by contributors for works which are currently not represented on CPDL in one or more editions. When an edition of the relevant work has been indexed, the text should be moved to that page. A blue link in the subtitles below indicate that a score page exists for the work in question. Texts are sorted by composer surname.

Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe, BWV 22 (Johann Sebastian Bach)

1. Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe

German.png German text

Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe und sprach:
Sehet, wir gehn hinauf gen Jerusalem,
und es wird alles vollendet werden,
das geschrieben ist von des Menschen Sohn.
Sie aber vernahmen der keines und wußten nicht, was das gesaget war.

English.png English translation

Jesus took to him the twelve and said:
See now, we shall go up to Jerusalem,
and there will all be accomplished
which is written of the Son of man.
However, they understood nothing and did not know what had been said.


German.png German text

Mein Jesu, ziehe mich nach dir,
Ich bin bereit, ich will von hier
Und nach Jerusalem zu deinen Leiden gehn.
Wohl mir, wenn ich die Wichtigkeit
Von dieser Leid- und Sterbenszeit
Zu meinem Troste kann durchgehends wohl verstehn!

English.png English translation

My Jesus, draw me unto thee,
I am ready, I wish to leave
And go to Jerusalem, to thy passion.
It is good for me, if I can understand the importance
Of this time of pain and death
For my consolation!


German.png German text
Mein Jesu, ziehe mich, so werd ich laufen,
Denn Fleisch und Blut verstehet ganz und gar,
Nebst deinen Jüngern nicht, was das gesaget war.
Es sehnt sich nach der Welt und nach dem größten Haufen;
Sie wollen beiderseits, wenn du verkläret bist,
Zwar eine feste Burg auf Tabors Berge bauen;
Hingegen Golgatha, so voller Leiden ist,
In deiner Niedrigkeit mit keinem Auge schauen.
Ach! kreuzige bei mir in der verderbten Brust
Zuvörderst diese Welt und die verbotne Lust,
So werd ich, was du sagst, vollkommen wohl verstehen
Und nach Jerusalem mit tausend Freuden gehen.

English.png English translation

My Jesus, draw me on and I shall hasten,
For flesh and blood completely fail to understand,
Like thy disciples, what had been said.
It longs for the world and for the greatest crowd;
Together they wish, when thou art transfigured,
To build a sturdy castle on Tabor’s mountains;
But at Golgotha, so full of suffering,
No eye looks at thy distress.
Ah, crucify in my corrupted breast,
First and foremost this world and its forbidden desire,
So I shall completely understand what thou sayest
And go with a thousand joys to Jerusalem.


German.png German text
Mein alles in allem, mein ewiges Gut,
Verbeßre das Herze, verändre den Mut;
Schlag alles darnieder,
Was dieser Entsagung des Fleisches zuwider!
Doch wenn ich nun geistlich ertötet da bin,
So ziehe mich nach dir in Friede dahin!

English.png English translation

My all in all, mine everlasting good,
Improve my spirit, change my heart,
Beat all into subjection
Which to this denial of flesh is resistant!
But when my spirit has been mortified,
Then draw me to thee in peace!


German.png German text
Ertöt uns durch dein Güte,
Erweck uns durch dein Gnad;
Den alten Menschen kränke,
Daß der neu' leben mag
Wohl hie auf dieser Erden,
Den Sinn und all Begehren
Und G'danken hab'n zu dir.

English.png English translation

Mortify us through thy goodness,
Awake us through thy grace;
The former man enfeeble,
So that the new may live
Even here on this Earth,
His will and every purpose
And thought may give to thee.

Ihr Menschen, rühmet Gottes Liebe, BWV 167 (Johann Sebastian Bach)

1. Aria [Tenor]
Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo

Ihr Menschen, rühmet Gottes Liebe
You people, sing the praises of God's love
Und preiset seine Gütigkeit!
and extol his graciousness !
Lobt ihn aus reinem Herzenstriebe,
Glorify him with a pure impulse of your heart
Daß er uns zu bestimmter Zeit
that at the appointed time
Das Horn des Heils, den Weg zum Leben
the horn of salvation,the way to life
An Jesu, seinem Sohn, gegeben.
he has given to us in Jesus, his son.

2. Recitative [Alto]Continuo

Gelobet sei der Herr Gott Israel,
Praised be the Lord God of Israel
Der sich in Gnaden zu uns wendet
who in his mercy turns to us
Und seinen Sohn
and sends his son
Vom hohen Himmelsthron
from heaven's high throne
Zum Welterlöser sendet.
to be the world's redeemer.
Erst stellte sich Johannes ein
First John appeared
Und mußte Weg und Bahn
and had to make ready
Dem Heiland zubereiten;
the way and path for the saviour;
Hierauf kam Jesus selber an,
thereupon Jesus himself came
Die armen Menschenkinder
to make glad the poor children of mankind
Und die verlornen Sünder
and the lost sinners
Mit Gnad und Liebe zu erfreun
with his grace and love
Und sie zum Himmelreich in wahrer Buß zu leiten
and to lead them to the kingdom of heaven in true repentance.

3. Aria (Duet) [Soprano, Alto]
Oboe da caccia, Continuo

Gottes Wort, das trüget nicht,
God's word does not deceive,
Es geschieht, was er verspricht.
what he promises happens.
Was er in dem Paradies
What in Paradise
Und vor so viel hundert Jahren
and so many hundreds of years ago
Denen Vätern schon verhieß,
he promised to our fathers
Haben wir gottlob erfahren.
we -God be praised - have experienced.
4. Recitative [Bass]Continuo

Des Weibes Samen kam,
The woman's seed came,
Nachdem die Zeit erfüllet;
when the time was fulfilled;
Der Segen, den Gott Abraham,
the blessing that God promised
Dem Glaubensheld, versprochen,
to Abraham,the hero of faith,
Ist wie der Glanz der Sonne angebrochen,
has broken upon us like the sun's brightness,
Und unser Kummer ist gestillet.
and our grief is stilled.
Ein stummer Zacharias preist
Zacharias , who was speechless, praises
Mit lauter Stimme Gott vor seine Wundertat,
God with loud voice for the miracle
Die er dem Volk erzeiget hat.
which he has produced for his people.
Bedenkt, ihr Christen, auch, was Gott an euch getan
Consider also, you Christians, what God has done for you
Und stimmet ihm ein Loblied an!
and begin to sing to him a song of praise!

5. Chorale [S, A, T, B]
Clarino, Oboe, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo

Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren
Praise and glory with honour be
Gott Vater, Sohn, Heiligem Geist!
to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
Der woll in uns vermehren,
May he increase in us
Was er uns aus Genad verheißt,
what he promised to us in his mercy
Daß wir ihm fest vertrauen,
so that we may trust firmly in him
Gänzlich verlassn auf ihn,
depend completely on him,
Von Herzen auf ihn bauen,
sincerely rely on him,
Daß unsr Herz, Mut und Sinn
so that our heart, spirit and mind
Ihm festiglich anhangen;
may cling to him resolutely;
Darauf singn wir zur Stund:
Therefore we now sing:
Amen, wir werdns erlangen,
Amen, we shall achieve this,
Gläubn wir aus Herzens Grund.
we shall believe from the depths of our heart.

Francion vint l'autre jour (Pierre Bonnet)

French.png French text

Francion vint l'autre jour,
Me trouva toute seulette,
Lors il me parta d'amour
D'une façon si discrète

Que jamais d'affection
Je n'aurai qu'à Francion.

Il me dit tout doucement:
Rebaise-moi, ma mignone.
Refuses tu ton amant
De ce qu'à chacun tu donnes

Qui n'ont point l'affection
Qu'a ton gentil Francion.

Non, non, je n'en ferai rien,
Dis-je alors toute fâchée:
Si je vous faisais du bien,
Je sais que votre pensée

Changerait d'affection
Et perdrais mon Francion.

Lo, the full, final sacrifice (Gerald Finzi)

English.png English text

Lo, the full, final Sacrifice
On which all figures fix’t their eyes.
The ransomed Isaac, and his ram;
The Manna, and the Paschal Lamb.
Jesu Master, just and true!
Our Food, and faithful Shepherd too!
O let that love which thus makes thee
Mix with our low Mortality,
Lift our lean Souls, and set us up
Convictors of thine own full cup,
Coheirs of Saints. That so all may
Drink the same wine; and the same way.
Nor change the Pasture, but the Place
To feed of Thee in thine own Face.
O dear Memorial of that Death
Which lives still, and allows us breath!
Rich, Royal food! Bountiful Bread!
Whose use denies us to the dead!
Live ever Bread of loves, and be
My life, my soul, my surer self to me.
Help Lord, my Faith, my Hope increase;
And fill my portion in thy peace.
Give love for life; nor let my days
Grow, but in new powers to thy name and praise.
Rise, Royal Sion! rise and sing
Thy soul’s kind shepherd, thy heart’s King.
Stretch all thy powers; call if you can
Harps of heaven to hands of man.
This sovereign subject sits above
The best ambition of thy love.
Lo the Bread of Life, this day’s
Triumphant Text provokes thy praise.
The living and life-giving bread,
To the great twelve distributed
When Life, himself, at point to die
Of love, was his own Legacy.
O soft self-wounding Pelican!
Whose breast weeps Balm for wounded man.
All this way bend thy benign flood
To’a bleeding Heart that gasps for blood.
That blood, whose least drops sovereign be
To wash my worlds of sins from me.
Come love! Come Lord! and that long day
For which I languish, come away.
When this dry soul those eyes shall see,
And drink the unseal’d source of thee.
When Glory’s sun faith’s shades shall chase,
And for thy veil give me thy Face.
from Richard Crashaw’s versions of the Hymns of St. Thomas Aquinas, Adoro Te and Lauda Sion Salvatorem.

T'amai gran tempo (Stefano Landi)

Italian.png Italian text

[1] T'amai gran tempo e sospirai mercede.
Tu m'hai tradito ogn'hor priva di fede.
Hor va con novi amanti a far tue prove,
ch'io son già stufo, e m'ho provisto altrove.
                 Hor vanne mò
                 ch'io non ti vuò,
ch'io son già stufo, e m'ho provisto altrove.
                 Hor vanne mò,
                 ch'io non ti vuò,
che già di là dal Pò passato è 'l merlo.
                 Corri, corri a vederlo.

[2] Mille volte io piangeva, e tu ridevi;
mille volte io rideva, e tu piangevi.
Così cortese i più felici amanti
schernisti cruda in giochi, in risi, in pianti.
                 Hor grida mò,
                 ch'io sordo stò,
che già di la dal Pò passato è'l merlo.
                 Hor grida mò,
                 ch'io sordo stò,
che già di la dal Pò passato è'l merlo.
                 Corri, corri a vederlo.

[3] Se mi fè cieco, Amor, quando t'amai,
hoggi son Argo, e vedo più che mai.
Hor va con nuovi amanti a tender l'hamo,
ch'io son già pieno, e sfuggo il tuo richiamo.
                 Hor resta mò,
                 ch'io sciolto vo,
che già di la dal Pò passato è'l merlo.
                 Hor resta mò,
                 ch'io sciolto vo,
che già di la dal Pò passato è'l merlo.
                 Corri, corri a vederlo.

[4] Non son più gl'occhi tuoi stelle d'amore,
ch' eran lume al pensiero, e fiamme al core,
ma neglette fenestre, onde s'aprio
a libertade sua pur il cor mio.
                 Non creder, no,
                 ch'io tornerò,
ch'io son già stufo, e m'ho provisto altrove.
                 Non creder, no,
                 ch'io tornerò,
che già di la dal Pò passato è'l merlo.
                 Corri, corri a vederlo.

[5] Ti fui fedel all'hor che fui gradito,
e qui lasciarti vuò, se m'hai tradito.
Hor vanne a porre a novi amanti il vischio,
ch'io son già sciolto, e più non sento il fischio.
                 Hor crepa mò,
                 ch'io non ti vuò,
che già di là dal Pò passato è'l merlo.
                 Hor vanne mò,
                 ch'io non ti vuò,
che già di la dal Pò passato è'l merlo.
                 Corri, corri a vederlo

[6] Se talento ti vien' di dar martello,
guardati il volto, che non è più quello.
Hor le tue labra d'oro e'l crin d'argento
ricco mi fanno sol di pentimento.
                 Hor non più, no,
                 ch'io non ti vuò,
ch'io son già stufo, e m'ho provisto altrove.
                 Hor non più, no,
che già di la dal Pò passato è'l merlo.
                 Corri, corri a vederlo.

English.png English translation

I loved you long and for your favors did sigh;
You betrayed me, and all my faith did belie.
Have your new lovers and see what you can do,
for I am fed up and have looked elsewhere, too.
                 Now you can go,
                 I don't want you, you know,
because I'm fed up and have looked elsewhere, too.
                 It really is so,
                 I don't want you, you know,
for the blackbird has flown and passed over the Po.
                 Hurry, hurry, and see him go.

I cried a thousand times and you just laughed;
To a thousand of my laughs you poured out cries.
You scorned the happiest lovers with smiling craft,
cruel woman, with your games, your tears, your lies.
                 Shout your woe,
                 I'm deaf now, you know,
for the blackbird has flown and passed over the Po.
                 Shout your woe,
                 I'm deaf now, you know,
for the blackbird has flown and passed over the Po.
                 Hurry, hurry, and see him go.

If you, Cupid, blinded me, when I did love,
now Argos, I see what's beneath and above.
Have your new lovers and throw them a lure;
I've had it, and now can't be caught, I am sure.
                 You stay, I'll go,
                 I'm free now, you know,
for the blackbird has flown right over the Po.
                 You stay, I'll go,
                 I'm free now, you know,
for the blackbird has flown and passed over the Po.
                 Hurry, hurry, and see him go.

I no longer see your eyes as stars of love
that lit my thoughts and were my heart's temptation;
they are now but hollow windows onto which
my heart may look and see his liberation.
                 Don't think it so,
                 That I'll return, oh, no,
because I'm fed up and have looked elsewhere, too.
                 Don't think it so,
                 That I'll return, oh, no,
for the blackbird has flown and passed over the Po.
                 Hurry, hurry, and see him go

I was faithful to you while you wanted me,
and here I give you up, for your treachery.
Go and set your bird traps for new lovers,
I won't hear you call, I have my liberty.
                 Go hoe your row,
                 I don't want you, you know,
for the blackbird has flown right over the Po.
                 Now you can go,
                 I don't want you, you know,
for the blackbird has flown and passed over the Po.
                 Hurry, hurry, and see him go.

Any trouble you'd make is nothing because
I look at your face, which is not what it was.
Your golden lips, now, and your silvery hair
make me rich with only regret, I do swear.
                 No more, oh no,
                 will my love I bestow,
                 not on you, no,
for I am fed up and have looked elsewhere, too.
                 No more, oh no,
                 will my love I bestow
for the blackbird has flown and passed over the Po.
                 Hurry, hurry, and see him go.

Fill thou my life (Charles Hubert Hastings Parry)

English.png English text

Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God,
In every part with praise,
That my whole being may proclaim
Thy being and Thy ways.
Not for the lip of praise alone,
Nor e’en the praising heart
I ask, but for a life made up
Of praise in every part!
Praise in the common words I speak,
Life’s common looks and tones,
In fellowship in hearth and board
With my belovèd ones;
Not in the temple crowd alone
Where holy voices chime,
But in the silent paths of earth,
The quiet rooms of time.
Fill every part of me with praise;
Let all my being speak
Of Thee and of Thy love, O Lord,
Poor though I be, and weak.
So shalt Thou, Lord, from me, e’en me,
Receive the glory due;
And so shall I begin on earth
The song forever new.
So shall each fear, each fret, each care
Be turned into a song,
And every winding of the way
The echo shall prolong;
So shall no part of day or night
From sacredness be free;
But all my life, in every step
Be fellowship with Thee.

Lyrics: Ho­ra­ti­us Bo­nar, Hymns of Faith and Hope, third ser­ies, 1866

O word of pity (Charles Hubert Hastings Parry)

English.png English text

O word of pity, for our pardon pleading,
Breathed in the hour of loneliness and pain;
O voice, which through the ages interceding,
Calls us to fellowship with God again.
O word of comfort, through the silence stealing,
As the dread act of sacrifice began;
O infinite compassion, still revealing
The infinite forgiveness won for man.
O word of hope to raise us nearer heaven,
When courage fails us and when faith is dim;
The souls for whom Christ prays to Christ are given,
To find their pardon and their joy in Him.
O Intercessor, who art ever living
To plead for dying souls that they may live,
Teach us to know our sin which needs forgiving,
Teach us to know the love which can forgive.

Lyrics: Ada R. Greenaway, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1904

At the Name of Jesus (King's Weston (Ralph Vaughan Williams))

English.png English text

At the Name of Jesus
every knee shall bow,
every tongue confess him
King of glory now;
'tis the Father's pleasure
we should call him Lord,
who from the beginning
was the mighty Word.

At his voice creation
sprang at once to sight,
all the angel faces,
all the hosts of light,
Thrones and Dominations,
stars upon their way,
all the heavenly orders,
in their great array.

Humbled for a season,
to receive a Name
from the lips of sinners,
unto whom he came,
faithfully he bore it
spotless to the last,
brought it back victorious,
when from death he passed;

Bore it up triumphant,
with its human light,
through all ranks of creatures,
to the central height,
to the throne of Godhead,
to the Father's breast;
filled it with the glory
of that perfect rest.

Name him, brothers, name him,
with love as strong as death,
but with awe and wonder
and with bated breath;
he is God the Savior,
he is Christ the Lord,
ever to be worshiped,
trusted, and adored.

In your hearts enthrone him;
there let him subdue
all that is not holy,
all that is not true;
crown him as your Captain
in temptation's hour;
let his will enfold you
in its light and power.

Brothers, this Lord Jesus
shall return again,
with his Father's glory
with his angel train;
for all wreaths of empire
meet upon his brow,
and our hearts confess him
King of glory now.

Lyrics: Caroline M. Noel (1817-1877), 1870