Category:Unknown births
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This category lists all people (including composers and lyricists) whose year of birth is either unknown or has not yet been added to the CPDL site.
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- Click on the person's name in the list below.
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- Scroll to the bottom of the editing window and find some text which reads [[Category:Unknown births]]. Change this text to [[Category:1924 births]], [[Category:1965 births]] or whatever.
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Pages in this category
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,218 total.
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- Truid Aagesen
- Abel
- M. Abele
- Beatrice Abercrombie
- Robert Adams
- J.C. Ahne
- Sebastian Aigner
- Samuel Akeroyd
- Progress Gabriel Akpabio
- Hen Alaw
- Philip Alcock
- Juan Aldomar
- Francesco Alessi
- Alonso
- José Alves
- Nicolò Amanio
- Quirin Anderl
- François Andrieu
- Sigr. Anglosini
- Paolo Animuccia
- Casey Anno
- Anonymus
- Giovanni Giacomo de Antiquis
- Karl Anton
- Giacomo Apollonio
- Juan Arañés
- Arcadelt-Dietsch
- Gutyn Arfon
- Ruggerio Argilliano
- Gioseffo Ascanio
- Fr. Paulo Avelino de Assis
- Frank A. Atkins
- Hermanus de Atrio
- Avellana
- Gracià Baban
- Benedetto Bagni
- Baldasar
- Simon de Baldis
- Johann Wilhelm Ballanda
- Reimondo Ballestra
- Frederick W Bancroft
- Du Bar
- Petronio Barbati
- Pierre Barbingant
- Eustache Barbion
- Bartolomeo Barco
- Antonino Barges
- Christophorus Barius
- Leonardus Barré
- John Barrow
- Ivo Barry
- John Bartlet
- Claude Barton
- Alfred Baskerville
- Johannes Bassere
- Jean Bastard
- William Bates
- H. Battre
- Pol Albrecht & Nic Bauler
- Johann Georg Baumann
- Beaumont
- Beausseron
- John Bedyngham
- Henricus Beginiker
- Alberto Beligni
- M. Belknap
- John Bellamy
- Jan Belle
- Giacomo Benincasa
- Richard H. Benke
- William Bennett
- Philippe Benoist
- Bense
- Bernart de Ventadorn
- Besancourt
- Herbert Beuerle
- Pietro Antonio Bianco
- Pierre Biaumont
- Matteo Bidelli
- Hans Biedermann
- Johannes Bierreige
- Edward Smith Biggs
- Jhan Billon
- Ramón Biosca
- Herbert Bittrich
- Y. Blanchard
- Edward Blancks
- Agnès Blin
- Guglielmo Blotagrio
- Francesco Boccarini
- Carlo Bocchineri
- Thomas Bodenstein
- Caspar Bohemus
- W. E. B. Du Bois
- François Boissière
- J. Valeriano Bömer
- Laurent Bonard
- Hugh Bond
- Dragonetto Bonifacio
- Pietro Andrea Bonini
- Simon de Bonnefond
- Joseph Bonnet
- Pierre Bonnet
- Jonathan Booth
- Jos Van den Borre
- De Boulland
- Bourgois
- François Bourguignon
- Jean Le Bouteiller
- Giulia Zambeccari Bovi
- Frederick G. Bowles
- Simon Boyleau
- Corinthia Bracceschi
- John Brackenborough
- Gilles Braquet
- Jorge Braun
- Leonard P. Breedlove
- Giovanni Brevio
- Denis Briant
- Brigard
- Cora S Briggs
- Giacomo Brignoli
- Bernaldino de Brihuega
- Richard Brimle
- Frank L Bristow
- Giovanni Brocco
- George Browne Brock
- Robert Broderip
- Jacob de Brouck
- James Brown
- John N Brown
- Richard Brown
- John Browne
- Filippo Brunacchi
- Hermes Bruneau
- Johannes Brunet
- P. Bubla
- Claude Buchanan
- Jacques Du Buisson
- Rudy Bullman
- Baruch Bulman
- Damir Bunoza
- Herbert Augustus Burney
- John Byrchley
- Cabilliau
- Arnold Caen
- Scipione Caetano
- Giovanni Francesco Caldarino
- Lorenzo Calvi
- Julián Calvo
- Cambray
- Ana Yara Campos
- Antonio Campos
- Reginald of Canterbury
- Ippolito Capilupi
- Giovanni Francesco Capuano
- Bartomeu Carceres
- Cola M. Carduccio
- Carlbach
- Firminus Caron
- Michele Carrara
- Antoine Cartier
- Matthew Carver
- Francesco Casati
- José Cascante
- Girolamo Casoni
- Cristoforo Castelletti
- Leonardo Casulano
- Guido Cavalcanti
- Orsina Cavaletta
- Pietro Paolo da Cavi
- Francesco dal Cedraro
- Giovanni Battista Cenni
- Christophorus Cervius
- Lavinia Cherici Cesi
- Ippolito Chamaterò
- Arthur Chamberlayne
- François de Chancy
- Jean Chantavoine
- Hugo de la Chapelle
- Thomas O Chisholm
- Mary Chiu
- John Christensen
- Francesco Ciampi
- Cibulka
- Giulio Ciccarelli
- Francesco Cinti
- Giovanni Antonio Cirullo
- R. P. H. Clemens
- Odo of Cluny
- Elizabeth Coatsworth
- Alonso de Cobaleda
- Cobrise
- Giovanni Cocci
- Giovanni Battista Cocciola
- Federico Coda
- Hermes Coelho
- Giuseppe Colaianni
- Pierre Colin