Category:CPDL 078xy
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Navigation: CPDL 077xy ——— CPDL 079xy
This (hidden) category lists those score pages containing CPDL edition numbers of the form CPDL #078xy: sorted on "xy" with headings grouped on the tens digit "x". A listing of these pages by their CPDL edtion numbers is at ChoralWiki:CPDL 078xy.
Pages in this category
The following 76 pages are in this category, out of 76 total.
- Missa Alleluia (Jean Mouton)
- Tota pulchra es (Ramiro Real)
- Messe für Bläserquartett, Chor und Orgel in F (Manfred Hößl)
- Vespro della Beata Vergine (Claudio Monteverdi)
- Sì ch'io vorrei morire (Claudio Monteverdi)
- Exaudi me Domine (Giovanni Gabrieli)
- Humor say what makst thou heere (John Dowland)
- Helas madame (Henry VIII)
- O Crux, ave, spes unica (Cristóbal de Morales)
- Magnificat 'O bone Jesu' a 5 (Robert Fayrfax)
- Quemadmodum desiderat (Giovanni Domenico Rognoni Taeggio)
- Passacalli della Vita - Homo fugit velut umbra (Stefano Landi)
- Edition:CPDL 07845
- Quotiescumque manducabitis (William Byrd)
- Alleluia. Vespere autem Sabbathi (William Byrd)
- Alles hat seine Zeit (Joseph Haydn)
- Der Augenblick (Joseph Haydn)
- Et ipse redimet (Orlando di Lasso)
- O salutaris hostia (Ilaria Zuccaro)
- Es wartet alles auf dich, BWV 187 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 78 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Girate occhi, girate (Angelo Notari)
- Intenerite voi (Angelo Notari)
- Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Vezzosi augelli (Giaches de Wert)
- Thine eyes so bright (Henry David Leslie)
- O occhi miei (Angelo Notari)
- In hydraulis (Antoine Busnois)
- O suavitas et dulcedo (Philippe de Monte)
- Sub tuum praesidium (José Maurício Nunes Garcia)
- Ecce sacerdos I a 4 (José Maurício Nunes Garcia)
- In honorem beatissimae Mariae Virginis (José Maurício Nunes Garcia)
- Ave Maria (Gioachino Rossini)
- The Blue Bird (Charles Villiers Stanford)
- Dindirindin (Anonymous)
- O schöne Nacht, Op. 92, No. 1 (Johannes Brahms)
- The silver swan (Orlando Gibbons)
- Lead me, Lord (Samuel Sebastian Wesley)
- Lebenslust (Franz Schubert)
- Adoramus te, Christe (attrib. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- Exultate Deo (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- Fa una canzona (Orazio Vecchi)
- Chi la gagliarda (Baldassare Donato)
- The water is wide (Traditional)
- My bonnie (Traditional)
- Väva vadmal (Traditional)
- Vi äro musikanter (Traditional)
- Vi gå över daggstänkta berg (Traditional)
- Vila vid denna källa (Carl Michael Bellman)
- Solen glimmar blank och trind (Carl Michael Bellman)
- Tjuv och tjuv, det ska du heta (Traditional)
- Uppå källabacken (Traditional)
- Tre små gummor (Traditional)
- Tänker du, att jag förlorader är (Traditional)
- Hosianna (Georg Joseph Vogler)
- Stille Nacht (Franz Xaver Gruber)