Ben Bowlegs (William Webster Pearson)

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  • (Posted 2023-11-27)  CPDL #77624:     
Editor: David Anderson (submitted 2023-11-27).   Score information: Letter, 24 pages, 1.04 MB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Ben Bowlegs
Composer: William Webster Pearson
Lyricist: Edward Oxenford
Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SecularPartsong

Language: English
Instruments: Piano

First published: 1888 Novello, Ewer, and Co.

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

Ben Bowlegs had a little dog,
And a very little dog was he;
But he was, for his age,
Most remarkably sage,
Just as sage as a dog could be!

Ben Bowlegs loved him as a friend,
They always were together,
And hours abroad the two would spend,
In every kind of weather.

Ben Bowlegs and his dog one day,
And a very foggy day was it,
For a stroll going out,
Very soon fell in doubt,
for no road could they see one bit!

Ben Bowlegs sought the path in vain,
And naughty words it cost him;
He call’d his dog to close remain,
But O he found he’d lost him!

Ben Bowlegs blew his whistle shrill,
His whistle very shrill blew he, blew he;
But his dear little dog,
Through the veil of the fog,
To his grief he still failed to see!

He called him loudly, “Hark, boy, hark!”
He bawled in tones commanding,
Then found the dog, it gave a bark,
Between his legs was standing!