Angelina Figus

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Born: 12 01 1957, Carbonia, Sardinia

Biography Angelina Figus is an Italian musician and lives in Sardinia. She initially studied clssical guitar, composition and conducting, and in 1990 went on to study lute and basso continuo under the tuition of Maestro Jorge Fresno at the Neuchâtel Conservatoire in Switzerland. She has taught extensively in primary schools, promoting the establishment of several school choirs for which she has composed and published a wide repertoire of pieces. She supports numerous initiatives for the promotion of the Sardinian language in music and is much in demand with poets and theatre companies in Sardinia. Her substantial musical output consists mostly of pieces for amateur choirs, which she greatly admires for both their educational and social value. She has personally founded a number of choirs within various voluntary organisations.

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List of choral works


Christmas carols

Ancient music



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External links