Al partir del mio Sole

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General Information

Author: Giovanni Battista Guarini, 1598 in Rime. Madrigal 20, "Al tornar di Madonna"

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Text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Al partir del mio Sole
Piansi la vista sua, la vita mia,
Ch'al suo duro partir da me partia.
Or ch'egli torna i' canto,
E con la rimembranza di quel giorno
Sì pien d'amaro pianto
Addolcisco la gioia del ritorno.
O felice partita,
Che fai più cara co'l morir la vita.

Dutch.png Dutch translation

Bij het vertrek van mijn zon
ween ik om zijn aangezicht, mijn leven,
nu hij wreed van mij zal vertrekken,
en me verlaat totdat hij terugkeert.
Ik zing en met de herinnering aan die dag
zo vol bittere tranen verheug ik mij op je terugkeer.
Ò gelukkig vertrek dat je geliefder maakt
door het leven te laten sterven.

English.png English translation

At the departure of my sun
I weep for his face, my life,
now that he will leave me cruelly,
and leaves me until he returns.
I sing and with the memory of that day
so full of bitter tears I look forward to your return.
O happy departure that makes you more loved
by letting life die.

English.png English translation

  She went away--
and I, deprived of her,
grieved for my sun's eclipse.
  Now she returns.
I sing: the memory
  of all that grief
makes for a sweeter joy.
  Parting's a death
that brings more precious life!

Translation by Nicholas Jones

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