Ahi, chi mi rompe'l sonno (Alessandro Romano)

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  • (Posted 2023-09-16)  CPDL #75444:        (Lilypond)
Editor: Allen Garvin (submitted 2023-09-16).   Score information: Letter, 5 pages, 111 kB   Copyright: CC BY NC
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Ahi, chi mi rompe'l sonno
Composer: Alessandro Romano
Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SAATB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1577 in Le Sirene et Secondo Libro de suoi Madrigali (Venice: Scotto press), no. 2

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Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Ahi! chi mi rompe'l sonno, ahi! chi mi priva,
misero, di quel ben ch'ogni altra avanza
chi mi leva di man quella speranza
ch'era già lasso pur condott'a riva?
Erami con madonna or ch'io dormiva
e sì dolce m'apparve alla sembianza
che di seco parlar preso ho baldanza
i miei chiusi pensier tutti le apriva.

Di ch'ella mossa: in guiderdon di questa,
tua fede in premio di cotanto amore,
ecco mi disse: alle tue voglie presta.
Ahi che mentre l'abbraccio e pien d'ardire
la stringo: invido il sol ratto mi desta
che ferendomi gli occhi uccise il core.

English.png English translation

Alas! who disturbs my sleep, ah! who deprives me,
wretched me, of that good that surpasses all else,
who takes from my hand that hope
that had almost brought me to shore?
'Twas me, with my lady, even now as I slept,
and so sweet in sembiance she appeared to me,
that I boldly took to speak with her,
revealing all my hidden thoughts to her.

By this she was moved: A bounty for this,
your faith, in reward for your constant love,
she now said to me, ready to give in to all my desires.
Alas! Even as I embrace her, and full of passion
I hold her, the envious sun swiftly wakes me,
for by wounding my eyes, it slew my heart.

Translation by Allen Garvin