Category:Sundays after Christmas

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In the tridentine rite the Sundays after Christmas are the Sunday within the Octave of the Nativity (Domenica infra Octavam Nativitatis) and, when it falls within the twelve day season, the Holy Name of Jesus (Festum Sanctissimi Nominis Jesu). The Second Vatican Council in 1970 moved the Holy Family to the first Sunday (from Sunday following Epiphany) and moved Holy Name to Jan. 3, leaving room for a Second Sunday after Christmas (but in the USA Epiphany is almost always transferred to this Sunday).

Protestant kalendars name these Christmas I and Christmas II (not to be confused with the first and second Masses of Christmas), but the propers remained roughly in the old order when the three-year lectionary was adopted.

View Wikipedia article for Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus

Proper Dom. infra Octavam (Liber usualis)
Sunday after Christmas
(Plainchant Gradual, 1946)
Christmas I (American Gradual, 2001)
Second Sunday (Greg Miss.)
Holy Family (Gregorian Missal 1990)
Christmas II (A.G.)
(LU variants)
Sanc. Nominis Jesu (LU)
Introit: Dum medium silentium Dum medium silentium Deus in loco sancto
(Exultet gaudio)
In nomine Jesu
Gradual: Speciosus forma Speciosus forma Unam petii Salvos fac nos
Alleluia verse: Dominus regnavit Dominus regnavit Gaudete justi
(Vere tu es rex)
Laudem Domini loquetur
Offertory: Deus enim Benedic anima mea In te speravi
(Tulerunt Jesum)
Confitebor tibi
Communion: Tolle puerum Domine Dominus noster A: Tolle puerum B&C: Fili, quid fecisti
(Descendit Jesus)
Omnes gentes

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