Ardo, avvampo, mi struggo, ardo: accorrete (Claudio Monteverdi)

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  • (Posted 2013-08-18)  CPDL #29865:       
Vocal score:   Score information: A4, 14 pages, 211 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Instrumental parts:   Score information: A4, 6 pages, 85 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Editor: Peter Rottländer (submitted 2013-08-18).   Score information: A4, 24 pages, 244 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2009-02-11)  CPDL #18892:    (XML)   (Harmony Assistant)
Editor: Michael Suissa (submitted 2009-02-11).   Score information: A4, 14 pages, 270 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Based on CPDL #7781, with number of pages reduced and corrections made to text. XML file is zipped.
  • (Posted 2004-08-19)  CPDL #07781:         
Editor: Björn Sothmann (submitted 2004-08-19).   Score information: A4, 33 pages, 120 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Ardo, avvampo, mi struggo, ardo: accorrete
Composer: Claudio Monteverdi

Number of voices: 8vv   Voicing: SSAATTBB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: 2 Violins, Basso continuo

First published: 1638 in Madrigali guerrieri et amorosi (Claudio Monteverdi), no. 7

External websites:

Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Ardo, ardo avvampo mi struggo; accorrete,
vicini, amici, all'infiammato loco
al ladro, al ladro, al tradimento, al foco;
scale, accette, martelli, acqua prendete;
e voi torri sacrate, anco tacete;
su, su, bronzi, ch'io dal gridar son roco;
dite il periglio altrui non lieve o poco,
e degl'incendi miei pietà chiedete.
Son due belli occhi il ladro, e seco amore
l'incendiario che l'inique faci
dentro la rocca m'avventò del core:
ecco, i rimedi omai vani e fallaci.
Mi dice ogn'un per si beato ardore:
lascia, che'l cor s'incenerisca, e taci.

English.png English translation

I burn, I burn, in flames I melt; come here,
Neighbours, friends, to the flaming place
Theft, theft, betrayal, fire;
Bring ladders, axes, hammers, water;
And you sacred (bell) towers, you are still;
Come on, bronze (bells), that I am hoarse from crying;
Tell everybody about the danger, not small or little,
And ask for pity for my fires.
Two beautiful eyes are the thief; and with them Love
That the unrighteous sparkles
Threw into the fortress of my heart:
Alas, now remedies are vain and bound to fail.
Everyone tells me for such a happy burning:
Let your heart become ashes, and be silent!

Czech.png Czech translation

Hořím a mučím se v plameni, spěchejte
Přátelé, co nejblíž ohni se nacházíte
Kéž zloděje, zrádce a žháře zastavíte
Vezměte žebříky, sekery, kladiva a vodu přidejte.
A vy, věže přesvaté, mlčet že budete?
Hlaholte, zvony! Já od křiku umdlévám
Ať každý do dáli je před zlem varován
A prosbou se nad mým hořem smilujte..
Dvé krásných očí je zloděj ten a láska prostá
To jsou dvě pochodně, jejichž žhavé uhlíky
Do pevnosti srdce mého lstivě pronikly.
„Zde jsou léky zbytečné, zkáza tvá už jistá“
říká mi každý, „nech, ať srdce tvé
krásným plamenem na popel shoří a utichne“.