Edition notes: This madrigal is part 7 from "Il Trionfo di Dori", a series of 29 madrigals by various composers and poets, all ending with the exclamation "Viva la bella Dori". English translation adopted from Tactus. Dutch translation by editor.
Vaghe ninfe selvagge
E pastorell’amanti,
Tra mille suon’e canti,
Trahean liete carole,
Al dolce orezo dell’ombrose piagge,
Quand’ ecco e Dori apparve,
Distese all’hor quasi invighit’il sole,
Dal ciel raggi più belli,
L’aria s’empi di vezzosetti Amori,
Et ogni nebbia sparve,
La salutare da rami i vagh’augelli,
E le ninfe e i pastori,
Tutti cantar, viva la bella Dori.
English translation
Desirous wild nymphs
and loving shepherds,
mid sounds and songs innumerable,
were dancing happily in a circle
in the sweet breeze of the shady slopes,
when suddenly Dori appeared.
Then the sun, as if charmed,
sent forth from the sky its finest rays.
The air was filled with graceful little Cupids
and every mist disappeared.
Desirous little birds greeted her from the branches
and nymphs and shepherds all sang:
“Long live fair Dori!”.
Dutch translation
Dartele nimfen en verliefde herders
dansten temidden van ontelbare gezangen
gelukzalig in een kring in een zoete bries
van de schaduwrijke hellingen,
als plotseling Dori verschijnt.
De zon, als gestreeld, stuurt vanuit de hemel
zijn mooiste stralen.
De lucht was gevuld met kleine Cupido's
en alle mist trok op.
Dartele vogeltjes op de takken begroetten haar
en alle nimfen en herders zongen:
"Lang leve de schone Dori!"