Tu traditora (Orlando di Lasso)

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  • (Posted 2013-10-28)  CPDL #30440:        (Finale 2008)
Editor: André Vierendeels (submitted 2013-10-28).   Score information: A4, 2 pages, 64 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Tu traditora
Composer: Orlando di Lasso

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: STTB
Genre: SecularVillanella

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1555 in Le quatoirsiesme livre a 4 parties, no. 12
    2nd published: 1565 in Dixhuictieme livre de chansons (Le Roy & Ballard), no. 11
    3rd published: 1570 in Second livre des chansons a 4 et 5 parties, no. 5
    4th published: 1576 in Cantiones suavissimae (Leonhard Schröter) – sacred contrafact, Tomus 1, no. 10
    5th published: 1584 in Continuation du mellange, no. 15
    6th published: 1592 in La fleur des chansons, no. 21

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Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Tu traditora m'hai puost'a 'sto core,
'no focolaro di fiamma'e di foco.
E mo' canazza, me la mietti in gioco.

Et ence tanta brascia e tanto ardore,
ch'uno acino di miglio non ce ha luoco.
E mo'…

E sentoci quello asino d'amore,
che sempre atizza come fosse cuoco.
E mo'

Provedeci ti dico e non tardare,
ca non e cosa da chiù comportare,
farmi senza proposito abrusciare.

English.png English translation

You, traitor!, you have hatched in my heart
a hearth of flame and fire.
And now, cruel mistress, you make fun of me.

The embers are so many and the heat so strong,
that a kernel of birdseed would not last a moment.
And now…

There I hear that jackass, Cupid,
who's always fanning the fire, as if he were a cook.
And now

"Take care of it", I tell you, "and don't delay",
Because I can't take this any longer—
don't let me scorch here for no reason.

Translation by Campelli
Latin.png Latin text

Beatus ille qui periclitando
Non frangitur fido sed ore clamat
Ihesu professus es redemptionem

Nam si fides habenda veritati
miraculosum sentiet levamen
Dolo latrones proprio peribunt

Nutare saepius sinit fidelem
et porrigit manum Christus cadenti
Adest suprema fortiter sub hora

Dignas ei canamus ergo grates
quocunque terrarum loco moremur
Ihesus per orbem regnat universum
Contrafact from Cantiones suavissimae (Leonhard Schröter)