Sweet Cupid, ripen her desires (William Corkine)

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  • (Posted 2002-12-01)  CPDL #04246:  Network.png PDF and MIDI files
Editor: Eva Toller (submitted 2002-12-01).   Score information: 19.6 x 28.4 cm, 5 pages, 109 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Arranged by Eva Toller. All files are available on http://www.evatoller.se/main_men_titles_S-OE.html (Midi files available for each part.

General Information

Title: Sweet Cupid, ripen her desires
Composer: William Corkine

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: TTBBB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella

First published:

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Original text and translations

English.png English text

Sweet Cupid, ripen her desires thy joyful harvest may begin;
if age approach a little higher, ‘twill be too late to get it in.
Cold winter stormes lay standing corn, which once too ripe will never rise
and lovers wish themselves unborn, when all their joys lie in their eyes.
Then, sweete, let us embrace and kisse, shall beautie on the ground?
If age bereave us of this blisse, then will no more sport be found.