Sub tuum praesidium

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General information

Sub tuum praesidium is the oldest known Marian hymn, a fragment of the Greek text appearing in a papyrus datable to circa 250 CE. It is featured in Byzantine Vespers of Lent, and in the Roman church has used as an antiphon to the Nunc dimitis at Compline since the middle ages. Besides the cpdl settings below there are several Viennese settings, notably Mozart's KV 198 (158b in K3, now demoted to Anh C 3.08 in K6).

The Missa Sub tuum praesidium by Jacob Obrecht is a cantus firmus mass based on the plainchant.

View the Wikipedia article on Sub tuum praesidium.

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Text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Sub tuum praesidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genitrix;
nostras deprecationes ne despicias in necessitatibus nostris,
sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper,
Virgo gloriosa et benedicta.

[Graduale Romanum]

Italian.png Italian translation

Sotto la tua protezione cerchiamo rifugio, santa Madre di Dio;
non disprezzare le suppliche di noi che siamo nella prova,
ma liberaci sempre da tutti i pericoli,
o Vergine gloriosa e benedetta.

Portuguese.png Portuguese translation

À vossa proteção recorremos, Santa Mãe de Deus;
não desprezeis as nossas súplicas em nossas necessidades;
mas livrai-nos sempre de todos os perigos,
ó Virgem gloriosa e bendita.

Hungarian.png Hungarian translation

Oltalmad alá futunk, Istennek szent Anyja,
könyörgésünket meg ne vesd szükségünk idején,
hanem oltalmazz meg minket minden veszedelemtől,
mindenkor dicsőséges és áldott Szűz!

English.png English translation

We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God;
despise not our prayers in our necessities,
but deliver us from all dangers,
O ever glorious and blessed Virgin.

(version used by the originally French teaching order of the Marist Brothers)

French.png French translation

Nous avons recours à votre protection, sainte Mère de Dieu.
Ne rejetez pas les prières que nous vous adressons dans nos besoins,
mais délivrez-nous toujours de tous les dangers,
ô Vierge glorieuse et bénie.

Spanish.png Spanish translation

Bajo tu protección nos acogemos, Santa Madre de Dios;
no deseches las súplicas que te dirigimos en nuestras necesidades;
 bien, líbranos siempre de todo peligro,
¡oh Virgen gloriosa y bendita!

Vietnamese.png Vietnamese translation

Lạy Đức Mẹ Chúa Trời, Ngài xiết bao thánh thiện; này chúng con chạy đến, tìm nương ẩn nơi Ngài.
Lúc sa vòng gian khổ, khi gặp cảnh phong trần, lời con cái nài van, xin Mẹ đừng chê bỏ.
Nhưng xin hằng giải thoát khỏi ngàn nỗi hiểm nguy;
Ôi vinh diệu ai bì, Trinh Nữ đầy ơn phước!

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