Salmi concertati, 5vv, bc (org), op. 18 (Pietro Lappi)
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General information
Title: Salmi concertati, 5vv, bc (org), op. 18
Full Title:Salmi concertati a cinque voci con il basso per l'organo, del P. Pietro Lappi, Maestro della musica in Santa Maria delle Gratie di Brescia. Opera. XVIII.
Composer: Pietro Lappi. The composer has given an instruction concerning the Quintus voice: it may either been sung by a second soprano, or a second tenor.
Publication date and place: 1627 in Venetia by Bartholomeo Magni.
Genre, Subgenre: Sacred, Vesper Psalms. Language: Latin, 5 voices.
Description: Vesper psalms for 5 voices with basso continuo
Facsimile: Gaspari
List of works
Works at CPDL
No. | Title | Composer | Year | Subgenre | Vo. | Voices |
1 | Domine adiuvandum me | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
2 | Dixit Dominus à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
3 | Confitebor à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
4 | Beatus vir à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
5 | Laudate pueri à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
6 | In exitu à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
7 | Laudate Dominum omnes gentes à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
8 | Laetatus sum à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
9 | Nisi Dominus à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
10 | Lauda Jerusalem à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
11 | Credidi à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
12 | In convertendo à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
13 | Domine probasti me à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
14 | Memento à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
15 | De profundis à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
16 | Beati omnes à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
17 | Confitebor tibi Domine à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Vesper Psalms | 5 | SSATB |
18 | Magnificat à 5 | Pietro Lappi | 1627 | Evening Canticles | 5 | SSATB |