Quis novus hic oritur (Hans Leo Hassler)

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  • (Posted 2013-06-02)  CPDL #29289:  Network.png
Editor: Christopher Shaw (submitted 2013-06-02).   Score information: A4, 8 pages, 119 kB   Copyright: CC BY SA
Edition notes: This edition is offered at the original key for SSSAATTB or transposed down a fourth for SAATTTBB. Please click on the link for preview/playback/PDF download.

General Information

Title: Quis novus hic oritur
Composer: Hans Leo Hassler
Lyricist: Anonymous

Number of voices: 8vv   Voicings: SSSAATTB and SAATTTBB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1615 in Reliquiae sacrorum concentuum, no. 40
Description: A setting of a text, used in Germany, appropriate for marriage in church. Hassler's slightly bizarre tailoring of the words (to include Venus and Cupid, rather than the more usual names of the wedding couple) adds to his customary blending of Catholic and Protestant tenets the mix-and-match "new-age" beliefs of Anglicanism at the beginning of the third millennium.

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Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Quis novus hic oritur sonitus?
Quae jubila tanta?
Musica quem celebrat tam veneranda virum?
Sponse, tibi pia turba canit laetos hymenaeos,
cui comes it pietas, candor, et alma fides.
Cuius amore, precor, fixit sua tela Cupido?
Virgine perpulchram, quam Venus alma colit.
Conjunctis ergo votis gratamur honores Idalios sponsis,
ut bene coepta cadant.
Prole sit aucta domus:
Coet pax foedere firmo:
Vivite felices secula multa simul.

English.png English translation

What novel sound is this?
Why such great rejoicing?
Whom does this venerable music celebrate?
O bridegroom, the respectful crowd sings joyous wedding songs for you;
You to whom this crowd offers respect, frankness and kind loyalty.
For whose love, I ask, did Cupid loose his darts?
For that most beautiful virgin, raised lovingly by Venus.
Therefore in their joined wedding vows we wish joy to these lovers,
that their enterprises may turn out well.
May the offspring of their house multiply:
May peace bond them in a sure covenant.
May the happy couple live together for many ages.