Poi che sei cosi (Anonymous)

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  • (Posted 2016-05-21)  CPDL #39718:        (Finale 2012)
Editor: André Vierendeels (submitted 2016-05-21).   Score information: A4, 2 pages, 54 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Poi che sei cosi
Composer: Anonymous

Number of voices: 3vv   Voicing: SAT
Genre: SecularVillanella

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1574 in Il secondo libro delle villanelle, no. 6
Description: This work may be supposed to be by Giovanni Giacomo de Antiquis, as it appears in a collection edited by him, but other works by him in that collection are so labeled, while this one is labeled 'D'Incerto', ie. unknown. Nevertheless, the composer is likely from Bari, since the full title of the collection indicates all the works therein are by musicians from that town.

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Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Poi che sei cosi forte scropulosa,
non li doveni presto maritare,
sta figlia sta che ti bisogna stare.

La prima volta e dura e fatigosa
ch'ogni principio assai difficil pare,
sta figlia sta che ti bisogna stare.

La seconda sara manco noiosa,
la terza poi comincia a dilettare,
sta figlia sta che ti bisogna stare.

Ma la quarta sara tanta gustosa,
che da te stessa la vorai provare,
sta figlia sta che ti bisogna stare.

Stà dunque sald' all' amorosa impresa
e dopo questo amar il dolce aspetta,
sta figlia sta che sei benedetta.

English.png English translation

Since you are so very scrupulous
about hooking up with men too soon,
be a girl, be what you need to be.

The first time is hard and exhausting—
every beginning seems very difficult.
Be a girl, be what you need to be.

The second time will be less irritating;
the third will start to please you.
Be a girl, be what you need to be.

But the fourth will be so much fun
that you yourself will actually want it.
Be a girl, be what you need to be.

So stick with the business of love
and after some sour expect the sweets.
Be a girl, do what can make you happy.
Translation by Nicholas Jones