Poi che l'alto valore (Giulio Renaldi)

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  • (Posted 2020-11-12)  CPDL #61341:         
Editor: Gerhard Weydt (submitted 2020-11-12).   Score information: A4, 7 pages, 196 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: transposed down a fourth, because of the chiavette used in the source. The second voice of the first madrigal then is better suited for a tenor.
The mp3 file presents the same three versions as in #61340.
  • (Posted 2020-11-12)  CPDL #61340:         
Editor: Gerhard Weydt (submitted 2020-11-12).   Score information: A4, 7 pages, 196 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: The mp3 file first presents the first madrigal, i. e. the first four voices of the edition, then at around 1:59 the second (voices 5 - 8), then, at around 3:58, the combination of all 8 voices.

General Information

Title: Poi che l'alto valore
Composer: Giulio Renaldi

Number of voices: 4-8vv   Voicings: SATB, SATB.SATB and SATB.STTB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1569 Di Giulio Renaldi padoano il primo libro de madrigali a quatro voci, con un madregale due volte a quatro... (Antonio Gardano, Venice, 1569)
Description: This piece consists of two settings of the same text, each for four voices, which can be sung separately, but it is also possible to add voices from one to the other and, consequently, both settings can be sung together as a madrigal for eight voices.
In the words of the composer: “un madregale due volte a quatro & si può giugnere quale parte piace di l‘uno all‘altro & anco si può cantare a otto”.
The madrigal is dedicated "To the illustrious lady, the Countess of Sala". Barbara Sanseverino (1550 - 1612) married the count Giberto IV Sanvitale of Sala Baganza. She was renowned for her beauty, Torquato Tasso wrote a poem praising her hair. She was 19 years old when Renaldi's collection appeared, and already had a son.

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Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

All‘illustre Signora Contessa di Sala

Poi che l‘alto valore spiegar da se non può lingua mortale,
E le beltà supreme
D’immortal dea cui non viv’altra uguale
Giugneti meco, amore,
E, le voci iterando in varii modi,
Cantiam uniti insieme
Di Barbara immortal l’eterne lodi.

German.png German translation

Der vortrefflichen Frau Gräfin von Sala

Da die sterbliche Zunge für sich allein den hohen Wert nicht aufzeigen kann
und die allerhöchsten Schönheiten
der unsterblichen Göttin, der keine andere Lebende vergleichbar ist,
darum vereine dich mit mir, Amor,
und, indem die Stimmen in verschiedener Weise wiederholen,
wollen wir gemeinsam vereint
das ewige Lob der unsterblichen Barbara singen.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt
English.png English translation

To the illustrious lady, the Countess of Sala

Because a mortal tongue cannot by itself reveal the high value
and the supreme beauties
of the immortal goddess, to which is equal no other living one,
hence join me, Love,
and, while the voices repeat in various ways,
we will sing united together
the praise of the immortal Barbara.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt