Pensier (dicea) che'l cor II (Orlando di Lasso)

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  • (Posted 2021-09-18)  CPDL #65821:        (LilyPond)
Editor: Allen Garvin (submitted 2021-09-18).   Score information: Letter, 3 pages, 76 kB   Copyright: CC BY NC
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2018-08-08)  CPDL #50785:         
Editor: Willem Verkaik (submitted 2018-08-08).   Score information: Letter, 3 pages, 274 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Pensier (dicea) che'l cor
Composer: Orlando di Lasso
Lyricist: Ludovico Ariosto

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SATTB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1569 in Musica de' virtuosi della florida capella, no. 16
    2nd published: 1587 in Madrigali a 4-6 voci novamente composti, no. 14
Description:  For a different setting of the text, in a different mode, see 'Pensier (dicea) che'l cor I'.

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Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Pensier (dicea) ch'el cor m'agghiacci et ardi,
E causi il duol, che sempr' il rode e lima,
Che debbo far, poi che son giunto tardi,
E ch'altri a corre il frutto e andato prima?
A pena havuto io n'ho parole e sguardi,
Et altri n'ha tutta la spoglia opima.
Se non ne tocca a me frutto ne fiore,
Perche affliger per lei mi vo più il core?
Ludovico Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, I, 41

English.png English translation

“Thought which now makes me burn, now freeze with hate,
 Which gnaws my heart and rankles at its root!
 What’s left to me,” he said, “arrived too late,
 While one more favoured bears away the fruit?
 Bare words and looks scarce cheered my hopeless state,
 And the prime spoils reward another’s suit.
 Then since for me nor fruit nor blossom hangs,
 Why should I longer pine in hopeless pangs?
 Translation William Stewart Rose