Pange lingua

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General information

Pange Lingua usually refers to one of two hymns sharing the same gregorian melody.

Pange lingua gloriosi corporis mysterium, ascribed to Thomas Aquinas, is by far the more commonly set and is the subject of this page. It is sung at the procession of Corpus Christi as well as the procession to the altar of repose on Maundy Thursday. The last two stanzas are sung by themselves at the Exposition of the Most Holy Sacrament and separate settings of Tantum ergo are listed on that page instead of here. See also Nobis datus, for settings of v. 2 alone.

Pange lingua gloriosi proelium certaminis is an office hymn by Venantius Fortunatus (the model for Aquinas' hymn) and is usually heard on Passion Sunday and at the Adoration of the Cross on Good Friday. Some settings of the verse Crux fidelis are listed on that page.

External links

Settings by composers (manual list)

Settings by composers (automated list)


Text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

1. Pange lingua gloriosi
corporis mysterium
sanguinisque pretiosi,
quem in mundi pretium
fructus ventris generosi
Rex effudit Gentium.

2. Nobis datus, nobis natus
ex intacta virgine
et in mundo conversatus,
sparso verbi semine,
sui moras incolatus
miro clausit ordine.

3. In supremae nocte cenae
recumbens cum fratribus
observata lege plene
cibis in legalibus,
cibum turbae duodenae
se dat suis manibus.

4. Verbum caro, panem verum
verbo carnem efficit:
fitque sanguis Christi merum,
et si sensus deficit,
ad firmandum cor sincerum
sola fides sufficit.

5. Tantum ergo sacramentum
veneremur cernui,
et antiquum documentum
novo cedat ritui;
praestet fides supplementum
sensuum defectui.

6. Genitori Genitoque
laus et iubilatio,
salus, honor, virtus quoque
sit et benedictio;
procedenti ab utroque
compar sit laudatio.

English.png English translation

1. Sing, my tongue,
The mystery of the glorious body,
And of the precious Blood
That for the world’s salvation
The fruit of a noble womb,
The king of the nations, shed.

2. Given to us, born to us,
From an unblemished virgin,
And having lived in the world,
Scattering the seed of the Word,
The time of his habitation
Miraculously He closed in due order.

3. In the night of His last supper,
Resting with His brothers,
The law being fully observed
With permitted foods,
To the group of twelve
He gave Himself as food with his own hands.

4. The Word in flesh true bread
By a word makes His flesh,
And also makes true wine the Blood of Christ,
And if sense is lacking,
To confirm a true heart
Faith alone suffices.

5. Therefore so great a Sacrament
Let us fall down and worship,
And let the old law
Give way to a new rite,
And let faith stand forward
To make good the defects of sense.

6. To the Father and the Son
Be praise and joy,
Health, honour and virtue
And blessing,
And to him proceeding from both
Be equal praise.

English.png English translation

Sing, my tongue, the glorious
mystery of the Body,
and of the precious Blood,
which, as ransom for the world,
the King of nations poured out,
the fruit of a noble womb.

Given to us, born to us
from an inviolate Virgin,
and having lived in the world,
having sown the seed of the Word,
he ended his stay here
in a marvelous fashion.

At supper on that great night,
at table with his brethren,
having fully observed the old law
in the Passover meal,
he gave himself as food to the twelve
with his own hands.

The Word made flesh, by his word,
turns bread into flesh:
wine is made the blood of Christ,
and if the senses fail,
to confirm the sincere heart
faith alone is enough.

Such a great mystery, then,
let us bow down and adore,
and let the old covenant
give way to the new:
let faith provide for
the weakness of the senses.

To the Father and the Son
let there be praise and jubilation,
salvation, honor,
strength and blessing;
and to the Spirit proceeding from both
let there be equal glory.
Translation by St Ann choir

Verse versions

German.png German translation

1. Töne, Mund, des glanzverklärten
Leibes heil'ge Wundermacht
und des nie genug verehrten
Bluts, als Sühnpreis dargebracht
von dem Sohn der Unversehrten,
der die Welt beherrscht mit Macht.

2. Uns gegeben, uns geboren
von der Jungfrau sündenrein,
in die Welt, die er erkoren,
streut des Wortes Samen ein,
der, wie's ewig ward geschworen,
ließ des Lebens Ende sein.

3. In des letzten Abends Stille
ruhend mit der Jünger Schar
bei dem Mahl, daß er erfülle,
was Gesetz von alters war,
reicht er selbst in Broteshülle
sich den zwölf Aposteln dar.

4. Wort ward Fleisch von Wortes Werken,
Fleisch und Blut aus Brot und Wein,
wenn die Sinne es nicht merken,
wenn versagt der Augenschein,
reicht, ein reines Herz zu stärken,
fester Glaube ganz allein.

5. Tiefgebeugt im Staub verehren
wir das hohe Gnadenpfand,
und des neuen Bundes Lehren
lösen des Gesetzes Band,
schwacher Sinne Kraft zu mehren
hilft des Glaubens starke Hand.

6. Dem Erzeuger und dem Sohne
Lob und lauter Jubelklang;
ihm, der auf dem höchsten Throne
aus der beiden Lieb' entsprang,
gleiche Ehre wird zum Lohne,
Ruhm und Heil und Lobgesang.

Sangbare Übersetzung von
Theresia Benedicta vom Kreuz (Edith Stein)
English.png English translation

1. Sing, my tongue, the Saviour's glory,
of His Flesh, the mystery sing;
of the Blood, all price exceeding,
shed by our Immortal King,
destined, for the world's redemption,
from a noble Womb to spring.

2. Of a pure and spotless Virgin
born for us on earth below,
He, as Man, with man conversing,
stayed, the seeds of truth to sow;
then He closed in solemn order
wond'rously His Life of woe.

3. On the night of that Last Supper,
seated with His chosen band,
He, the Paschal Victim eating,
first fulfils the Law's command;
then as Food to His Apostles
gives Himself with His own Hand.

4. Word-made-Flesh, the bread of nature
by His Word to Flesh He turns;
wine into His Blood He changes;
what though sense no change discerns?
Only be the heart in earnest,
faith her lesson quickly learns.

5. Down in adoration falling,
This great Sacrament we hail,
O'er ancient forms of worship
Newer rites of grace prevail;
Faith will tell us Christ is present,
When our human senses fail.

6. To the Everlasting Father,
And the Son who made us free
And the Spirit, God proceeding
From them Each eternally,
Be salvation, honour, blessing,
Might and endless majesty.
Amen. Alleluia.

Translation by Edward Caswall
English.png English translation

1. Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle,
sing the last, the dread affray;
o'er the cross, the victor's trophy,
sound the high triumphal lay,
how, the pains of death enduring,
earth's Redeemer won the day.

2. When at length the appointed fulness
of the sacred time was come,
he was sent, the world's Creator,
from the Father's heavenly home,
and was found in human fashion,
offspring of the virgin's womb.

3. Now the thirty years are ended
which on earth he willed to see,
willingly he meets his passion,
born to set his people free;
on the cross the Lamb is lifted,
there the sacrifice to be.

4. There the nails and spear he suffers,
vinegar and gall and reed;
from His sacred body piercèd
blood and water both proceed:
precious flood, which all creation
from the stain of sin hath freed.

5. Praise and honour to the Father,
praise and honour to the Son,
praise and honour to the Spirit,
ever Three and ever One:
one in might, and One in glory,
while eternal ages run.

Translation by John Mason Neale
English.png English translation

1. Now, my tongue, the mystery telling
of the glorious body sing,
and the blood, all price excelling,
which the Gentiles’ Lord and King,
in a Virgin’s womb once dwelling,
shed for this world’s ransoming.

2. Given for us, and condescending
to be born for us below,
he, with men in converse blending,
dwelt the seed of truth to sow,
till he closed with wondrous ending
his most patient life of woe.

3. That last night, at supper lying,
’mid the Twelve, his chosen band,
Jesus, with the law complying,
keeps the feast its rites demand;
then, more precious food supplying,
gives himself with his own hand.

4. Word-made-flesh, true bread he maketh
by his word his flesh to be,
wine his blood; which whoso taketh
must from carnal thoughts be free:
faith alone, though sight forsaketh,
shows true hearts the mystery.

5. Therefore we, before him bending,
this great sacrament revere:
types and shadows have their ending,
for the newer rite is here;
faith, our outward sense befriending,
makes our inward vision clear.

6. Glory let us give and blessing
to the Father and the Son,
honour, might, and praise addressing,
while eternal ages run;
ever too his love confessing,
who, from both, with both is one.

Translation by John Mason Neale ,
Translation by Edward Caswall , and others
Chinese.png Chinese translation

Translation 1

1. 信友請來 讚美上主,稱頌奧妙之聖體,
 又請稱頌 至聖寶血,主因贖世盡傾流,
 萬邦之王 生於聖母,自甘流血為人類。

2. 自作犧牲 賜予我等,生於聖潔童貞女,
 在世居住 愛情昭著,福音廣布苦不辭,
 凡數十年 歷盡艱辛,立斯聖事顯奇跡。

3. 受難前夕 最後晚餐,偕諸兄弟齊坐席
 徹底遵守 古教規禮,逾越慶節食羔羊,
 還要親自 將己體血,分給門徒作糧食。

4. 天主聖子 一言甫出,面餅即化成聖體,
 葡萄酒亦 成為聖血,此中奧妙洞悉難,
 為使爾能 信心堅固,只須借仗活信德。

5. 皇皇聖體 尊高無比,我們俯首致欽崇,
 古教舊禮 已成陳跡,新約禮儀繼聖功,
 五官之力 有所不及,應由信德來補充。

6. 讚美聖父 讚美聖子,歡欣踴躍來主前,
 歌頌救主 凱旋勝利,頌揚主德浩無邊,
 聖神發自 聖父聖子,同尊同榮同威嚴。

Chinese.png Chinese translation

Translation 2

1. 信友前來 歡呼贊吟,我主聖體無限情,
 救世羔羊 聖血傾流,贖世犧牲換太平,
 天地大君 榮王天庭,甘受苦難救我靈。

2. 聖子降生 自取人形,至聖童貞為母親,
 三十三載 天涯飄零,山野海角布福音,
 終身賴遭 輕慢辱淩,架甘七言終其行。

3. 耶穌受難 前夕晚上,偕諸宗徒聚華堂,
 遵循古教 禮儀習尚,宰殺羔羊分啖嘗,
 建立聖體 罪債普償,洪恩常流澤萬邦。

4. 真主真人 萬世稱揚,面形聖化成神糧,
 酒亦成聖 血爵中藏,全信勿疑主榮光,
 敬禮朝拜 耶穌君王,無限深情滿人望。

5. 皇皇聖體 奧蘊深玄, 我眾匍匐主台前,
 羔羊聖牲 新祭禮獻,摒除古教棄舊典,
 虔誠全信 以至永遠,五官所缺信人堅。

6. 聖父聖子 聖神尊高,至仁至善萬民朝,
 齊頌德鹿 神恩豐饒,敬禮讚美共歡躍,
 天主聖三 無限蘊奧,永生永王享榮耀。

French.png French translation

1. Chante, ô ma langue
le mystère du Corps glorieux
et du sang précieux
que le roi des nations,
fils d'une mère féconde,
a versé pour le rachat du monde.

5. Si grand donc sacrement
que nous adorions inclinés
et ancien texte
nouveau que cède au rite
que donne foi secours
des sens de celui qui faiblit

6. Au géniteur et à celui qui a été engendré
louange et jubilation
salut, honneur force et
soit et bénédiction
à celui qui procède de et l'un et l'autre
égale soit louange

French.png French translation

version by Claire Delavallée

5. Ainsi, inclinons-nous et adorons
ce si grand sacrement.
Que l'ancien texte laisse
la place à un rite nouveau.
Que la foi vienne suppléer
à la faiblesse de nos sens.

6. Que le Père et le Fils reçoivent
louange et jubilation,
salut, honneur et puissance.
L'Esprit qui procède
de l'Un et de l'Autre
reçoit la même louange.

Spanish.png Spanish translation

4b. Y si el sentido queda pasmado de tanta y nueva cosa,
lo que él no puede, pueda, ose lo que él no osa,
la fe determinada y animosa.

5. Honremos, pues, echados por tierra,
tan divino Sacramento;
y queden desechados, pues vino el cumplimiento,
los ritos del Antiguo Testamento.

6. Gloria al Omnipotente,
y al gran Engendrador y al Engendrado
y al inefablemente de entrambos inspirado,
igual alabanza, igual honor sea dado.

German.png German translation

5. Solch großes Sakrament also
wollen wir gesenkten Hauptes verehren,
und das alte Bündnis soll
dem neuen Ritus weichen.
Möge der Glaube dort weiterhelfen,
wo die Sinne versagen.

6. Dem Vater und dem Sohne
Preis und Jubel!
Heil, Ehr, Ruhm und Lobpreis
sei ihnen gesagt.
Dem, der aus beiden hervorgeht,
sei gleiches Lob.

Hungarian.png Hungarian translation

1. Zengjed, nyelv, a dicsőséges
test titkát s a drága vért,
melyet hullatván értékes
váltságúl az emberért
a föld ura, a felséges
méh gyümölcse nem kímélt.

2. Egünk küldte, s nekünk szülte
tiszta szűz, szeplőtelen.
Köztünk élt és hinté földre
az Igét, mely jót terem;
s csodás szertartással ülte
bucsuestjét idelenn.

3. Mert a végső estebédet
tartván ő és társai,
együtt a törvényes étket
jámborul fogyasztani:
étkül a tucatnyi népnek
önmagát osztotta ki.

4. És a kenyeret testévé
igézte az Ige-test
s a bor lett Krisztus vérévé:
magyarázni ne keresd!
Hit dolga és igaz szívé,
hogy erősen tartsa ezt.

5. Azért kell e nagy szentséget
leborulva áldani
és a régi Szövetséget
új ritussal váltani:
pótolják a rest érzéket
a merész hit szárnyai!

6. Az Atyának és Fiának
légyen áldás, dicsóség,
üdv, hozsanna és imádat,
ujjongások hirdessék!
S aki kettejükből árad,
a Lélek is áldassék!
(Babits Mihály)