O dulcissime Jesu (Costanzo Porta)

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  • (Posted 2022-03-17)  CPDL #68483:         
Editor: Gerhard Weydt (submitted 2022-03-17).   Score information: A4, 8 pages, 206 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: O dulcissime Jesu
Composer: Costanzo Porta
Number of voices: 8vv   Voicings: SATB.SATB or ATTB.ATTB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1590 in Dialoghi musicali (Angelo Gardano), no. 33 Only for the music
    Manuscript post 1590 handwritten text underlay
Description: This is a sacred contrafact of Porta’s Voi volete ch'io moia, by an unknown author. The text is handwritten into the copy of the source used. Some notes have been split by the author to fit the text.

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Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

O dulcissime Jesu,
o dulcis amor Jesu,
Jesu amator noster,
quaeso me piis oculis intuere,
quia pulvis sum, morior, nec est volentis
sed tui, Deus, miserentis.
O Jesu clementissime,
a morte libera me semper
repentina et improvisa.

German.png German translation

O süßester Jesu,
o süße Liebe Jesu,
Jesu, unser Freund,
ich bitte dich, mich mit gnädigen Augen anzuschauen,
denn ich bin Staub, ich sterbe, nicht aus meinem Willen,
sondern, Gott, aus deinem Erbarmen.
O allermildester Jesus,
erlöse mich auf immer
vom plötzlichen und unvorhergesehenen Tod.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt
English.png English translation

O sweetest Jesus,
o sweet love Jesus,
Jesus, our friend,
i beg you to look at me with pious eyes,
for I am dust, I die, not of my own will,
but, Lord, by your mercy.
O mildest Jesus,
deliver me forever
from sudden and unforseen death.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt