Novello's Part-Song Book (2nd series), Vol. 15

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General information

Title: Novello's Part-Song Book (2nd series), Vol. 15

Publisher: Novello, Ewer & Co.

Voicing of works: SATB and keyboard.

Publication date and place: 1882 by Novello, Ewer & Co., London, England.

External links

Facsimile at IMSLP



  • Titles which appear in blue are hyperlinks to the score page on CPDL - click on them for free editions.
  • Click on column title to sort.

Works at CPDL

No. Page Title Composer
441 162 A walk at dawn Niels Wilhelm Gade
425 53 Evening song Edward M. Hill
440 157 Hark! the lark Friedrich Wilhelm Kücken
424 41 Hence, loathed Melancholy Henry Lahee
431 99 Her eyes the glow-worm lend thee John Goss
439 154 Hope and Faith Carl Maria von Weber
422 29 It was a lover and his lass Josiah Booth
420 19 Love me little, love me long Leigh Wilson
423 37 Love's question and reply John B. Grant
430 90 Lo! where the rosy-bosom'd hours John Goss
417 7 Now fie on love George Alexander Macfarren
429 83 O my sweet Mary John Goss
421 23 Shall I tell you whom I love? Samuel Sebastian Wesley
419 15 Softly fall the shades Edouard Silas
432 109 The bells of St Michael's tower Robert Prescott Stewart
427 62 The charge of the light brigade Eduard Hecht
433 119 The Cruiskeen lawn Robert Prescott Stewart
438 150 The swallows Christian August Pohlenz
436 143 The Vesper hymn Ludwig van Beethoven
434 126 The wine cup is circling Robert Prescott Stewart
428 75 There is beauty on the mountain John Goss
426 58 Welcome dawn of summer's day Edward M. Hill
437 147 What though sorrow oft befalls us Johann Gottlieb Naumann
418 11 Winds of Autumn Charles Oberthür
435 132 Ye mariners of England Henry Hugh Pierson
416 1 Ye singers all Hubert Waelrant
No. Title Year Composer Lyricist Genre Subgenre Vo. Voices Instruments
416 Musiciens qui chantez à plaisir 1589 Hubert Waelrant Secular Chansons 4 SATB,ATTB A cappella
417 Now fie on love 1882 George Alexander Macfarren Thomas Goffe Secular Partsongs 4 SATB Keyboard or a cappella
418 Winds of Autumn 1882 Charles Oberthür Wellington Guernsey Secular Partsongs 4 SATB a cappella or Keyboard
419 Softly fall the shades 1882 Edouard Silas 2 Secular Partsongs 4 SATB a cappella or Keyboard
420 Love me little, love me long 1882 Leigh Wilson Anonymous Secular Partsongs 4 SATB a cappella or Keyboard
421 Shall I tell you whom I love 1862 Samuel Sebastian Wesley William Browne Secular Partsongs 4 SATB a cappella or Piano (and vc?)
422 It was a lover and his lass 1882 Josiah Booth William Shakespeare Secular Partsongs 4 SATB Keyboard reduction (?)

A cappella

423 Love's question and reply 1882 John B. Grant Charles Mackay Secular Partsongs 4 SATB Piano

A cappella

424 Hence, loathed melancholy 1882 Henry Lahee John Milton Secular Partsongs 5 SSATB a cappella, or Keyboard acc.
425 Evening song 1882 Edward M. Hill Theodor Körner Secular Partsongs 4 SATB Piano

A cappella

426 Welcome dawn of summer's day 1882 Edward M. Hill J. L. Stevens Secular Partsongs 4 SATB Keyboard

A cappella

427 The charge of the light brigade 1882 Eduard Hecht Alfred Tennyson Secular Partsongs 4 SATB Piano
428 There is beauty on the mountain 1882 John Goss Bernard Barton Secular Glees 4 SATB Piano
429 O my sweet Mary 1882 John Goss Secular Madrigals 5 SATTB A cappella
430 Lo! where the rosy-bosom'd hours 1882 John Goss Thomas Gray Secular Glees 4 SATB Piano
431 Her eyes the glow-worm lend thee 1882 John Goss Robert Herrick Secular Glees 4 SATB Piano
432 The bells of St Michael's tower 1882 Robert Prescott Stewart Secular Glees 5 SATBB A cappella, or Keyboard acc.
433 The Cruiskeen lawn 1882 Robert Prescott Stewart Thomas Moore Secular Partsongs 5 SATBB Piano
434 The wine cup is circling 1882 Robert Prescott Stewart Thomas Moore Secular Partsongs 5 SATBB A cappella
435 Ye mariners of England 1882 Henry Hugh Pierson Thomas Campbell (poet) Secular Partsongs 4 SATB Piano
436 The Vesper hymn 1832 Ludwig van Beethoven Sacred Partsongs 4 SATB a cappella
437 What though sorrow oft befalls us 1882 Johann Gottlieb Naumann Georgina Elizabeth Troutbeck Secular Partsongs 4 SATB Piano
438 Wiegen wir Schwalben / The swallows 1835


Christian August Pohlenz H. Ploss Secular Partsongs 4 SATB Piano
439 Grablied (Hope and Faith) 1840 Carl Maria von Weber Christian Gottlieb Moebius Secular Partsongs 4 SATB A cappella or piano or wind ensemble
440 Hark! the lark 1882 Friedrich Wilhelm Kücken William Shakespeare Secular Partsongs 4 SATB Piano
441 Morgenwanderung 1846 Niels Wilhelm Gade Emanuel Geibel Secular Partsongs 4 SATB A cappella