Ne più bella di queste (Heinrich Isaac)

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  • (Posted 2017-01-14)  CPDL #42637:        Icon_ly_ext.png
Editor: Peter Hilton (submitted 2017-01-14).   Score information: A4, 7 pages, 137 kB   Copyright: CC BY NC SA
Edition notes: With underlay set for four verses. No bar lines.
  • (Posted 2016-11-16)  CPDL #41891:         
Editor: Ulrich Alpers (submitted 2016-11-16).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 26 kB   Copyright: CC BY SA
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Ne piu bella di queste
Composer: Heinrich Isaac

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published:

External websites:

Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

1  Ne più bella di queste, ne più degnia,
Si truova alcuna idea,
Iunon vedete che nel ciel su regnia.
Vedete Citherea,
Madre dolze d'Amore,
Vedete qui Minerva,
Che gli ingegni conserva,
El Martial furore,
Domma coll' Arete et colla Sapienza,
Venuti insieme ad abitar Fiorenza.

2  Fiorenza, tu sarai la più famosa
Cipta che vegha el sole,
Di lor presenza sarai gloriosa.
Iunon tuo stato vuole
Crescere et in concordia
Tener donne et mariti
E ciptadini uniti
Terra sanza discordia,
Fara el popol fruire fuor d'ogni usanza
Sano et gagliardo et sempre in abbondanza.

3  Minerva saggia ci dara vittoria
Contro animici in guerra,
Fara ti trionphar con somma gloria
Et per mare et per terra
In tutte le buone arte
O di mano o d'ingegnio.
Sola passera el segnio
Felice in ogni parte,
Tochando el cielo colla superba chioma,
Fiorenza, bella figluola di Roma.

4  Ma Vener balla sempre in canti e'n feste,
In balli e'n noze et mostre,
In varie foggie et nuove sopraveste,
In torniamenti et giostre
Fara galante et belle
Tutte donne et donzelle.
Con amorosa vista,
(Con amorosa vista)
Terra sempre Fiorenza in canti et riso
Et dirassi Fiorenza el paradiso.

English.png English translation

You'll never find a goddess more beautiful
 or more worthy than these!
Look: Juno, who rules the heavens!
Venus, sweet mother of Love!
Minerva, who nurtures intelligence,
courage in war, and knowledge
in the arts and sciences!
All these have come to live in Florence.

Florence, you will be the most famous city in the world;
you will be glorious because of them.
Juno wants your state to grow in peace
among women and men, and among citizens
joined together in a land without strife.
She will make your people thrive
as never before, healthy, strong, and prosperous.

Wise Minerva offers you victory
against your enemies;
she gives you the highest glory
by sea and by land in all good arts,
whether of hand or mind.
You alone will be at the top,
fortunate in all things,
your proud forehead touching the sky—
Florence, fair daughter of Rome.

And Venus, who dances at festivals,
at ballets, weddings, and plays,
in different shapes and with new dresses
in tournaments and jousts—
Venus will make every woman
and every girl as pretty as a princess.
In her loving care
Florence will live in song and laughter—
and you'll call Florence Paradise.

Translation by Nicholas Jones