In Hebrew
In Latin
See also Jubilate Deo (Offertory)
In English
- Anonymous SATB (Metrical Old Version)
- John Alcock Jr. SATB (BCP)
- Henry Aldrich SATB (BCP)
- Samuel Babcock STB (Tate & Brady New Version all 4 stanzas)
- Joseph Barnby SATB with SSATTB verse (BCP, with Gloria)
- Amy Beach SATB divisi
- Simon Biazeck SATB (BCP)
- John Blow
- in A SATB chorus, with ATBB verses (BCP, with Gloria)
- in E minor SATB chorus, with SST and AATB verses (BCP, with Gloria)
- in G SATB (BCP, with Gloria)
- Louis Bourgeois
- William Boyce
- Herbert Brewer
- John Broderip SATB (metrical New Version)
- William Byrd AATTB (The Primer)
- John Baptiste Calkin
- John Camidge SSATB (BCP)
- Samuel Chapple SATB (metrical New Version)
- William Child
- William Bowen Chinner SATB (BCP)
- Thomas Clark:
- All people that on earth do dwell SATB (metrical Old Version)
- O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands SATB (BCP)
- Sing to the Lord with joyful voice (metrical version by Isaac Watts, no edition uploaded yet)
- With one consent let all the earth (metrical New Version, no edition uploaded yet)
- Ye nations round the earth rejoice (metrical version by Isaac Watts, no edition uploaded yet)
- John Dowland
- Jacob French SATB (metrical version by Isaac Watts)
- Israel Holdroyd
- Gustav Holst SATB (metrical Old Version)
- John Ireland SATB & organ (BCP)
In German
In French
Settings by composers (automatically produced list)
- Gregor Aichinger — Jubilate Deo omnis terra Latin SSATB
- Henry Aldrich — Jubilate in G English SATB
- Anonymous — All people that on earth do dwell English SATB
- Samuel Babcock — Cambridge English STB
- Adriano Banchieri — Jubilate Deo Latin SATB
- Joseph Barnby — Jubilate Deo in E major English SSATTB
- Amy Beach — Festival Jubilate, Op.17 English SATB
- George John Bennett — Jubilate Deo in D major English Unison
- Christoph Bernhard — Jauchzet dem Herrn German SS
- Simon Biazeck — Psalm 100 (Double chant) English SATB
- John Blow — Jubilate Deo in A English SATBB
- John Blow — Jubilate Deo in E minor English SSAATB
- John Blow — Jubilate Deo in G English SATB
- Louis Bourgeois — All people that on earth do dwell English SATB
- Louis Bourgeois — Before Jehovah's aweful throne English SATB
- William Boyce — Te Deum and Jubilate in A Major (1740) English SATB
- William Boyce — Te Deum and Jubilate in A Major (1750) English SATB
- William Boyce — Te Deum and Jubilate in C English SATB
- Herbert Brewer — Jubilate Deo in B flat major English SATB
- Herbert Brewer — Jubilate Deo in E flat major English SATB
- John Broderip — With one consent let all the earth English SATB
- William Byrd — Make ye joy to God English AATTB
- Franz Bühler — Jubilate Deo Latin SATB
- John Baptiste Calkin — Jubilate Deo in B flat major English SSATB
- John Baptiste Calkin — Jubilate Deo in G major English SATB
- John Camidge — Jubilate Deo English SSATB
- Samuel Chapple — With one consent let all the earth English SATB
- Luigi Cherubini — Esto mihi in Deum protectorem Latin SATB
- William Child — Jubilate in D major English SAATB
- William Child — Jubilate in E minor English SSATB
- William Bowen Chinner — Jubilate in E - O be joyful in the Lord English SATB
- Giovanni Paolo Cima — Jubilate Deo Latin SA
- Thomas Clark — All people that on earth do dwell English SATB
- Thomas Clark — O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands English SATB
- John Dowland — All people that on earth do dwell (1592) English SATB
- John Dowland — All people that on earth do dwell (1621) English SATB
- John Dowland — Shout to Jehovah, all the earth English SATB
- Philipp Dulichius — Jubilate Deo omnis terra Latin SATB.SATB
- Jacob French — Exhortation English SATB
- Andrea Gabrieli — Jubilate Deo a 8 Latin SSAT.ATTB, SAAT.TTTB
- Giovanni Gabrieli — Iubilate Deo a 8 (1597) Latin AATB.TBBB
- Mariano Garau — Jubilate Deo 2023 Latin SSAA
- Richard Greening — Jubilate for Lower Voices English ATB.ATB
- Gregorian chant — Vespers for St David of Wales Latin unison
- Gioseffo Guami — Jubilate Deo omnis terra Latin SSAATTB
- Adam Gumpelzhaimer — Jubilate Deo Latin SATB.SATB
- George Frideric Handel — O be joyful in the Lord, HWV 246 English STB
- George Frideric Handel — Utrecht Jubilate Deo English SATB
- Hans Leo Hassler — Jubilate Deo omnis terra, servite Domino a 15 Latin SSSSAAAATTTTBBB
- Hans Leo Hassler — Jubilate Deo omnis terra, servite Domino a 5 Latin SSATB, AATTB
- Hans Leo Hassler — Jubilate Deo omnis terra, servite Domino a 8 Latin SATB.SATB
- Oliver Hayes — Jubilate Deo Latin SATTB
- Albert Junos Holden — Jubilate Deo in D English SATB
- Israel Holdroyd — Jubilate Deo English SATB
- Israel Holdroyd — Psalm 100 English SATB
- Gustav Holst — All people that on earth do dwell English SATB
- John Ireland — Jubilate Deo in F Major English SATB
- Heinrich Isaac — Tract: Iubilate Domino Latin STTB
- Thomas Jarman — With one consent let all the earth (New Hundredth) English SATB
- Claude Le Jeune — Vous tous qui la terre habitez French STB
- Josquin des Prez — Jubilate Deo omnis terra Latin SATB
- John Alcock Jr. — Jubilate Deo English SATB
- James Kent — Jubilate in C English SA
- Jacob Kimball — Harlem English STB
- Herbert J Lacey — O be joyful in the Lord English SATB
- Huub de Lange — All people that on earth do dwell English SATB
- Huub de Lange — Chanson de Louange French SATB
- Orlando di Lasso — Jubilate Deo a 6 Latin SATTBB
- Louis Lewandowski — Psalm 100 - Jubelt dem Ewigen German SATB
- Brian Marble — Psalm 100 English SAT
- Felix Mendelssohn — Jauchzet dem Herrn (Psalm 100) German SATB
- Felix Mendelssohn — Jubilate Deo, Op. 69, No. 2 English SATB
- Claudio Merulo — Iubilate Deo omnis terra Latin SSATTB
- Grzegorz Miśkiewicz — Jubilate Deo Latin SSATB
- Natale Monferrato — Jubilate Deo Latin A
- Hezekiah Moors — Make a joyful noise English STB
- Antoine de Mornable — Iubilate Deo Latin SATB
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart — Jubilate Deo Latin SATB
- James Nares — Morning canticles in C English SSATB
- Johann Pachelbel — Psalm 100 - Jauchzet dem Herrn German SATB.SATB
- Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina — Jubilate Deo a 5 Latin SATTB
- Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina — Jubilate Deo a 8 Latin SATB.SATB
- Benedetto Pallavicino — Jubilate Deo Latin SATB.SATB
- Ercole Pasquini — Iubilate Deo omnis terra Latin SATTB
- Lorenzo Perosi — Jubilate Deo Latin 2 equal voices
- Hieronymus Praetorius — Jubilate Deo omnis terra Latin SSATTB
- Michael Praetorius — Jubilate Deo (prima pars) Latin SSA.ATTB, SST.ATTB, SSATTTB
- Henry Purcell — Jubilate Deo, Z 230/4 English SATB
- Henry Purcell — Te Deum and Jubilate in D, Z 232 English SATB
- Josef Rheinberger — Graduale in F major WoO 68 Latin SATB
- Antonio Righetti — Jubilate Deo Latin SATTB
- Benjamin Rogers — Jubilate in D English SATB
- Salamone Rossi — Mizmòr letodà (Ps. 100) Hebrew SAATB
- Heinrich Schütz — Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt (Psalm 100), SWV 36 German SATB.SATB
- Heinrich Schütz — Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt, SWV 198 German SATB
- Heinrich Schütz — Jubilate Deo omnis terra, SWV 262 Latin B
- Heinrich Schütz — Jubilate Deo, SWV 332 Latin SATB
- Heinrich Schütz — Psalmen Davids op. 2 German SATB
- Eric William Shaw — Enter into His gates English SATB
- Mason Chadwick Shefa — O be joyful in the Lord English SAATTB
- Lawrence Sisk — Psalm 100 English SATB
- Charles Villiers Stanford — Jubilate in B flat, Op. 10 English SATB
- Charles Villiers Stanford — Te Deum and Jubilate in C Major, Op. 115 English SATB
- Charles Steggall — Jubilate Deo in G English SATB
- Simon Stubbs — Psalm 100 English SATB
- Robert Morrison Stults — Jubilate Deo in E Flat English SATB
- Arthur Sullivan — Jubilate in D English SATB
- Richard Thiele — Double chant in G major English SATB
- Thomas Tomkins — Morning canticles from The Fifth Service English SATB
- Thomas Tomkins — Morning canticles from The Second Service English SATB
- Thomas Tomkins — Morning Canticles from the Third Service English STTBB.STTBB
- Ascanio Trombetti — Jubilate Deo a 10 Latin SSATB.ATTTB
- Ascanio Trombetti — Jubilate Deo a 8 Latin SSAT.ATBB
- John Tufts — Psalm 100 New English STB
- Christopher Upton — Jubilate Deo English Unison
- Alexander Utendal — Jubilate Deo omnis terra Latin SATB.SATB
- Tomás Luis de Victoria — Jubilate Deo English SATBB
- Johann Vierdanck — Jauchtzet dem Herrn German SATB
- Melchior Vulpius — Jubilate Deo omnis terra, servite Domino Latin SSATTBB
- Gregor Wagner — Psalm 100 German SAATB
- Thurlow Weed — O be ye joyful in the Lord English SATB
- Samuel Sebastian Wesley — Jubilate Deo in G English SATB
- Samuel Sebastian Wesley — Jubilate in F English SATB
- Elisha West — Windsor English SATB
- Charles Wood — Jubilate in A flat English SATB
Text and translations
Latin text
Psalmus in confessione.
1 Jubilate Deo, omnis terra;
2 servite Domino in laetitia. Introite in conspectu ejus in exsultatione.
3 Scitote quoniam Dominus ipse est Deus; ipse fecit nos, et non ipsi nos:
populus ejus, et oves pascuae ejus.
4 Introite portas ejus in confessione; atria ejus in hymnis:
confitemini illi. Laudate nomen ejus,
5 quoniam suavis est Dominus: in aeternum misericordia ejus,
et usque in generationem et generationem veritas ejus.
Luther's translation
German text
1 Jauchzet dem Herrn alle Welt.
2 Dienet dem Herrn mit Freuden. Kommt vor sein Angesicht mit Frohlocken.
3 Erkennet, dass der Herr Gott ist. Er hat uns gemacht, und nicht wir selbst, zu seinem Volk und zu Schafen seiner Weide.
4 Gehet zu seinen Toren ein mit Danken. Zu seinen Vorhöfen mit Loben. Danket ihm, lobet seinen Namen.
5 Denn der Herr ist freundlich und seine Gnade währet ewig und seine Wahrheit für und für.
Káldi fordítás (99. zsoltár)
Hungarian text
Hálaadó zsoltár.
Örvendezzetek az Istennek, minden föld! szolgáljatok az Úrnak vigasággal, járúljatok színe elé örvendezéssel.
Tudjátok meg, hogy ő az Úr, ő az Isten. Ő alkotott minket, és nem mi magunkat; az ő népe és legelőjének juhai vagyunk.
Menjetek be az ő kapuin hálaadással, tornáczaiba dicséretekkel; adjatok hálát neki, dicsérjétek az ő nevét,
mert jóságos az Úr, örökké tart irgalmassága, és nemzedékről nemzedékre az ő igazsága.
Church of England 1662 Book of Common Prayer
English text
A psalm of praise.
1 O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands:
2 serve the Lord with gladness, and come before his presence with a song.
3 Be ye sure that the Lord he is God; it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves;
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
4 O go your way into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise;
be thankful unto him, and speak good of his Name.
5 For the Lord is gracious, his mercy is everlasting;
and his truth endureth from generation to generation.
King James Version
English text
1 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.
2 Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
3 Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
5 For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.
English text
All people that on earth do dwell,
Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice:
Him serve with fear, his praise forth tell,
Come ye before him and rejoice.
The Lord ye know is God indeed,
Without our aid he did us make;
We are his flock, he doth us feed,
And for his sheep he doth us take.
O enter then his gates with praise,
Approach with joy his courts unto:
Praise, laud, and bless his Name always,
For it is seemly so to do.
For why? the Lord our God is good,
His mercy is for ever sure;
His truth at all times firmly stood,
And shall from age to age endure.
Metrical 'New Version' (Tate/Brady)
English text
With one consent let all the earth
To God their cheerful voices raise;
Glad homage pay with awful mirth,
And sing before him songs of praise.
Convinc'd that he is God alone,
From whom both we and all proceed;
We, whom he chooses for his own,
The flock that he vouchsafes to feed.
O enter then his temple gate,
Thence to his courts devoutly press,
And still your grateful hymns repeat,
And still his name with praises bless.
For he's the Lord, supremely good,
His mercy is for ever sure:
His truth, which always firmly stood,
To endless ages shall endure.
English translation by The St. Ann Choir
English translation
Sing joyfully to God, all the earth;
serve the Lord with gladness.
Come in before his presence with exceeding great joy.
Know that the Lord he is God;
he made us and not we ourselves.
We are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
Go into his gates with praise,
into his courts with hymns; and give glory to him.
Praise his name, for the Lord is sweet;
his mercy endures for ever,
and his truth throughout all generations.
English translation by Henry Ainsworth
English translation
From The Book of Psalmes : Englished both in Prose and Meter (Amsterdam 1612), carried to New England on the Mayflower.
Shout to Jehovah, all the earth,
Serve ye Jehovah with gladness;
before him come with singing mirth
Know that Jehovah he God is.
It's he that made us, and not we;
his folk, and sheep of his feeding.
O with confession enter ye
his gates, his courtyards with praising:
Confess to him, bless ye his name.
Because Jehovah he good is:
his mercy ever is the same
and his faith, unto all ages.
Metrical Paraphrase by Isaac Watts, 1719
English text
Ye nations round the earth, rejoice
Before the Lord, your sovereign King;
Serve him with cheerful heart and voice,
With all your tongues his glory sing.
The Lord is God; 'tis he alone
Doth life, and breath, and being give;
We are his work, and not our own,
The sheep that on his pastures live.
Enter his gates with songs of joy,
With praises to his courts repair;
And make it your divine employ
To pay your thanks and honors there.
The Lord is good, the Lord is kind,
Great is his grace, his mercy sure;
And the whole race of man shall find
His truth from age to age endure.
Sing to the Lord with joyful voice,
Let every land his name adore;
The British isles shall send the noise
Across the ocean to the shore.
Nations, attend before his throne
With solemn fear, with sacred joy;
Know that the Lord is God alone;
He can create and he destroy.
His sovereign power, without our aid,
Made us of clay and formed us men;
And when, like wand'ring sheep, we strayed,
He brought us to his fold again.
We are his people, we his care,
Our souls and all our mortal frame:
What lasting honors shall we rear,
Almighty Maker, to thy name?
We'll crowd thy gates with thankful songs,
High as the heav'ns our voices raise;
And earth with her ten thousand tongues
Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise.
Wide as the world is thy command,
Vast as eternity thy love!
Firm as a rock thy truth must stand,
When rolling years shall cease to move.
VERSION 3. Adaptation of Version 2 by John Wesley
Before Jehovah’s awful throne,
Ye nations, bow with sacred joy;
Know that the Lord is God alone;
He can create, and He destroy.
His sovereign power, without our aid,
Made us of clay, and formed us men;
And when like wandering sheep we strayed,
He brought us to His fold again.
We are His people, we His care,
Our souls, and all our mortal frame;
What lasting honors shall we rear,
Almighty Maker, to Thy Name?
We’ll crowd Thy gates with thankful songs,
High as the heavens our voices raise;
And earth, with her ten thousand tongues,
Shall fill Thy courts with sounding praise.
Wide as the world is Thy command,
Vast as eternity Thy love;
Firm as a rock Thy truth must stand,
When rolling years shall cease to move.