Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone

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General information

This is an hymn by John Cennick, written in 1740 or before.

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Text and translations

English.png English text

Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone,
He whom I fix my hopes upon;
His track I see, and I'll pursue
The narrow way, 'til Him I view.

The way the holy prophets went,
The way that leads from banishment,
The king's highway of holiness,
I'll go, for all His paths are peace.


No stranger may proceed therein,
No lover of the world and sin;
No lion, no devouring care,
No sin nor sorrow shall be there.

No nothing may go up thereon
But traveling souls, and I am one:
Wayfaring men, to Canaan bound,
Shall only in the Way be found.


This is the way I long have sought,
And mourned because I found it not;
My grief a burden long has been,
Because I could not cease from sin.

The more I strove against its power,
I sinned and stumbled but the more;
'Til late I heard my Savior say,
"Come hither, soul, I am the way."


Lo! Glad I come; and Thou, blest Lamb,
Shall take me to Thee, as I am;
Nothing but sin I Thee can give;
Nothing but love shall I receive.

Then will I tell to sinners round,
What a dear Savior I have found;
I'll point to Thy redeeming blood,
And say, "Behold the way to God."

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