In pace in id ipsum dormiam/Nun last uns (Johann Stahel)

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  • (Posted 2017-03-19)  CPDL #43640:         
Editor: Andreas Stenberg (submitted 2017-03-19).   Score information: A4, 9 pages, 450 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: A one source edition with score and parts. The Canon between the tenors is resolved and separate parts printed. Rehearsal midis may be obtained by downloading and compiling the Lilypond source file.

General Information

Title: In pace in id ipsum dormiam/Nun last uns
Composer: Johann Stahel
Lyricist: Michael Weiße

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SATTB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1568 in Cantiones Triginta Selectissimae, no. 21
Description: The Tenors are a two in one canon where the follower starts two measures later and fouth higher. The SA and B voices have lyrics in latin while the tenors have lyrics in german.

External websites:

Original text and translations

Original text and translations may be found at In pace, in idipsum. Original text and translations may be found at Nun lasst uns den Leib begraben.

Latin.png Latin text

(S,A and B parts)
 In id ipsum dormiam:
 et requiescam,

English.png English translation

 In this sleep:
 and the rest.

 Now let us bury the body
 and have no doubts on this:
 He will rise up on the last day
 and go inevitably there.

German.png German text

 (Tenor parts)
 Nun last uns den leib begraben
 daran wir kein zweiffel haben
 Er werd am Jüngsten tag auffstehn
 und unverweßlich her für gehn.