Farewell unkind farewell (John Dowland)
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- Editor: James Gibb (submitted 2011-08-07). Score information: A4, 3 pages, 36 kB Copyright: CPDL
- Edition notes: Includes a keyboard reduction of the a cappella choral score.
- Editor: Brian Russell (submitted 2008-05-07). Score information: A4, 3 pages, 23 kB Copyright: CPDL
- Edition notes: NoteWorthy Composer file may be viewed and printed with NoteWorthy Composer Viewer.
- Possible error(s) identified. See the discussion page for full description.
General Information
Title: Farewell unkind farewell
Composer: John Dowland
Number of voices: 4vv Voicing: SATB
Genre: Secular, Partsong
Language: English
Instruments: Lute
First published: 1603 in The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires, no. 14
External websites:
Original text and translations
English text
Farewell unkind farewell, to me no more a father,
Since my heart, my heart holds my love most dear.
The wealth which thou dost reap another's hand must gather,
Though my heart my heart still lies buried there.
Then farewell, then farewell, O farewell,
Welcome, my love, welcome, my joy forever.
'Tis not the vain desire of human fleeting beauty,
Makes my mind to live though my means do die.
Nor do I Nature wrong, though I forget my duty:
Love not in the blood but in the spirit doth lie.
Then farewell, then farewell, O farewell,
Welcome, my love, welcome, my joy forever.