Farewell disdainful (Thomas Morley)

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  • (Posted 2012-04-09)  CPDL #25893:         
Editor: James Gibb (submitted 2012-04-09).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 49 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Reformatting of #14948, with minor corrections to underlay. Revised files uploaded 04/02/17.
  • (Posted 2007-09-11)  CPDL #14948:         
Editor: Brian Russell (submitted 2007-09-11).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 31 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: NoteWorthy Composer file may be viewed and printed with NoteWorthy Composer Viewer.
  • (Posted 2000-03-14)  CPDL #00739:  Network.png PDF, MIDI and ABC files available.
Editor: Laura Conrad (submitted 2000-03-14).   Score information: Letter, 6 pages, 62 kB   Copyright: GnuGPL
Edition notes: in partbook format.

General Information

Title: Farewell disdainful
Composer: Thomas Morley

Number of voices: 3vv   Voicing: SAT
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1593 in Canzonets to Three Voices, no. 10

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

Farewell disdainful, since no love avails me,
O sharp and bitter anguish,
What discord grief assails me?
Needs I must part, alas, yet parting makes me languish.
But yet it pleaseth thee.
Therefore unkind, now adieu, there is no remedy.
O come again, O come again return thee:
No, false Love, thy flames no more shall burn me.
No, be still content thee:
when I am gone, perhaps, then wilt thou repent thee.