Der englische Gruss, Op. 22, No. 1 (Johannes Brahms)

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  • (Posted 2015-01-07)  CPDL #34173:     
Editor: John Abdenour (submitted 2015-01-07).   Score information: Letter, 8 pages, 99 kB   Copyright: Public Domain
Edition notes: In this edition the text is set a single verse at a time, rather than two or three verses superimposed. This improves readability and ease of learning for non-German-speaking choirs. Rehearsal marks are editorial.
  • (Posted 2009-08-20)  CPDL #20005:     
Editor: Robert Urmann (submitted 2009-08-20).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 168 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: see Marienlieder, Op. 22 for the complete edition
  • (Posted 2009-05-12)  CPDL #19425:        (Sibelius 4)
Editor: Amanda Hughes (submitted 2009-05-06).   Score information: A4, 5 pages, 56 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Variances: Verse 2, measure 11 -- Originally spelled "thun" changed to "tun." Verse 4, measure 21 -- Originally spelled "Thau" changed to "Tau." Verse 4, measure 26 -- Originally spelled "Thau" changed to "Tau."
  • (Posted 2009-04-28)  CPDL #19356:      Network.png MIDI and zipped Finale files available. Finale files may be viewed and printed with Finale Reader.
Editor: Manfred Hößl (submitted 2009-04-28).   Score information: Unknown   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Der englische Gruß, Op. 22, No. 1
Work: Marienlieder, Op. 22 [Marian Songs]
Composer: Johannes Brahms

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredPartsongLied

Language: German
Instruments: A cappella

First published: October 1862 Leipzig/Winterthur: J. Rieter-Biedermann

External websites:

  • Free choir training aids for this work are available at Choralia.
  • Scanned score of the first print from Brahms Institute at the University of Music Lübeck (Germany)
  • Listening guide

Original text and translations

German.png German text

1. Gegrüßet, Maria, du Mutter der Gnaden!
So sangen die Engel der Jungfrau Maria
In ihrem Gebete, darinnen sie rang.

2. Maria, du sollst einen Sohn empfangen,
Darnach tun Himmel und Erde verlangen,
Daß du die Mutter des Herren sollst sein.

3. O Engel, wie mag ich das erleben,
Ich habe mich noch keinem Manne ergeben
In dieser weiten und breiten Welt.

4. Wie Tau kommt über die Blumenmatten,
So soll dich der heilige Geist überschatten;
So sollt der Heiland geboren sein.

5. Maria, die höret solches gerne,
Sie sprach: ich bin eine Magd des Herren,
Nach deinem Worte geschehe mir!

6. Die Engel sanken auf ihre Knie,
Sie sangen alle Maria, Maria,
Sie sangen Maria den Lobgesang!

  English.png English translation

1. Hail, Mary, mother of grace!
Thus sang the angels to the virgin Mary
As she struggled in prayer.

2. Mary, you shall conceive a son.
Heaven and Earth desire
For you to be the Mother of the Lord.

3. O angels, how may I experience this?
I have given myself to no man
In this entire wide world.

4. As dew comes over the flowerbeds,
So is it that the Holy Spirit shall overcome you;
So shall the savior be born.

5. Mary heard such things gladly,
She spoke: I am the handmaid of the Lord,
And it shall happen to me according to your word.

6. The angels sank to their knees,
They all sang Mary, Mary,
They sang Mary’s song of praise!

French.png French translation

1. Je te salue Marie, mère de toutes les grâces.
C’est ainsi que chantaient les anges à la Vierge Marie,
dans leur prière, et c’est en cela qu’elle luttait.

2. Marie, tu dois concevoir un fils!
Ensuite, le Ciel et la Terre te demanderont
que tu sois la mère, la mère du Seigneur.

3. O chers anges, que dois-je éprouver?
Je ne me suis encore donnée à aucun homme,
dans ce vaste monde.

4. Comme la rosée se dépose sur les champs de fleurs,
L’Esprit Saint doit t’ombrager,
ainsi devra naître le Sauveur.

5. Marie l’entend bien,
Elle dit: je suis une servante du Seigneur,
j’exécuterai ta parole.

6. Les anges s’agenouillèrent alors,
ils chantèrent tous Marie, Marie,
ils chantèrent ses louanges.

  Italian.png Italian translation

Il saluto dell’angelo

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