Da lo spuntar de matutini albori (Costanzo Porta)

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  • (Posted 2018-02-05)  CPDL #48708:         
Editor: Wim Looyestijn (submitted 2018-02-05).   Score information: A4, 7 pages, 116 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: This madrigal is part 28 from "Il Trionfo di Dori", a series of 29 madrigals by various composers and poets, all ending with the exclamation "Viva la bella Dori". English translation adopted from Tactus. Dutch translation by editor.

General Information

Title: Da lo spuntar de matutini albori
Composer: Costanzo Porta
Lyricist: Pietro Crescicreate page

Number of voices: 6vv   Voicing: SSATTB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1592 in Il Trionfo di Dori, no. 28

External websites:

Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Da lo spuntar de matutini albori,
Insin al tramontar del maggior lume,
Vaga schiera di ninfe e di pastori,
Dolcemente cantando,
Hor lungi un picciol fiume,
Ch’in bel vicino monte,
Scaturia mormorando,
Da cristallino fonte,
Hor dentr’ombroso bosc’hor in fiorito
Prato, mai sempr’udito
Fù risonar tra l’onde e faggi e fiori,
Viva la bella Dori.

English.png English translation

From the breaking of the morning dawn
until the setting of the greatest light,
a graceful group of nymphs and shepherds
was sweetly singing.
Now they sang beside a small stream,
which, in a fine mountain nearby
gushed murmuring
from a crystal fountain.
Now as they sang in a shady wood, now in a flowery
meadow; forever was heard
resounding amid the waves, beeches and flowers:
“Long live fair Dori!”.

Dutch.png Dutch translation

Vanaf de eerste ochtendschemer
tot de ondergang van het grootse licht,
zat een vrolijk groepje nimfen en herders
zachtjes te zingen.
Nu zongen zij bij een klein beekje,
dat, van een nabije prachtige berg
ruisend stroomde uit een kristalheldere bron.
Of zij nu in een lommerrijk bos, of op
een bloemrijke weide zongen, altijd weerklonk
over de golven, de beuken en de bloemen:
"Leve de schone Dori!"