Confisus Domino (Ioannes Pinchon)
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- Editor: Adrian Wall (submitted 2020-07-02). Score information: A4, 11 pages, 1.81 MB Copyright: Personal
- Edition notes: Note values halved.
General Information
Title: Confisus Domino
Composer: Ioannes Pinchon
Lyricist: Jacob Micylluscreate page
Number of voices: 6vv Voicing: SSAATB
Genre: Sacred, Motet
Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella
First published: 1564 in Thesaurus Musicus (1564), Volume 3, no. 26
Description: Micyllus's Sylvarum libri quinque presents two poems under the title Confide et ama ("trust and love"), the motto of George of Austria (1505–1557), illegitimate son of Emperor Maximilan I and Prince-Bishop of Liège. Confisus Domino is the first of them and was also set by Lassus (whose setting is also included in Thesaurus musicus). The item following Pinchon's setting in Thesaurus Musicus is Nicolas de Wismes's setting of the second poem, Vivere vis recte, which like Pinchon's and Lassus's pieces features the text Confide et ama as an ostinato. The first half of Vivere vis recte was also set by Dyricke Gerarde.
External websites:
Original text and translations
Original text and translations may be found at Confisus Domino.