ChoralWiki:February 2021 scores
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February 2021 scores (most recent listed first)
Total pages with new scores added in the month: 442
- (Creation date) Page with new edition(s)
28 February
- (24 Aug 2005) Ad preces nostras deitatis aures (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
- (28 Feb 2021) And They Proclaimed (Joseph Knapicius)
- (28 Feb 2021) Che pietà posso dare (Giovanni Piccioni)
- (28 Feb 2021) Felice, chi vi mira (Giovanni Piccioni)
- (24 Aug 2005) Hark! the herald angels sing (Felix Mendelssohn)
- (28 Feb 2021) I will feed my flock (John Frederick Bridge)
- (28 Feb 2021) Judica me Deus (Rogier Michael)
- (28 Feb 2021) O Mensch bewein dein Sünde groß (Matthias Greitter)
- (28 Feb 2021) Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus (Vincenzo Ruffo)
27 February
- (27 Feb 2021) And God will pour out his spirit (Joseph Knapicius)
- (27 Feb 2021) Come lovely and soothing death (David Lesniaski)
- (27 Feb 2021) Dominus Jesus (Nobuaki Izawa)
- (23 Feb 2021) Evangelists (Andrew Sims)
- (27 Feb 2021) For all the wonder of thy regal day (John Frederick Bridge)
- (27 Feb 2021) Hard times, come again no more (David Lesniaski)
- (27 Feb 2021) Hark! the sound of holy voices (James Langran)
- (27 Feb 2021) How beauteous are their feet (Aaron Williams)
- (27 Feb 2021) How beauteous are their feet (William Amps)
- (27 Feb 2021) How bright these glorious spirits shine! (Charles Hutcheson)
- (27 Feb 2021) Light and splendor (David Lesniaski)
- (27 Feb 2021) Lo, round the throne, a glorious band (Anonymous)
- (27 Feb 2021) Lo, round the throne, a glorious band (Henry Lawes)
- (27 Feb 2021) Lord's prayer (traditional text) (David Lesniaski)
- (27 Feb 2021) Non è il mio cor (Giovanni Piccioni)
- (27 Feb 2021) Palms of glory, raiment bright (William Dalrymple MacLagan)
- (27 Feb 2021) Psalm 29 tone chord row (Joseph Knapicius)
- (27 Feb 2021) Soldiers, who are Christ's below (Anonymous)
- (27 Feb 2021) Un comodo diletto (Giovanni Piccioni)
- (27 Feb 2021) Vespere autem sabbati (Vincenzo Ruffo)
- (27 Feb 2021) Ныне отпущаеши / Nunc dimittis (Viktor Kalinnikov)
26 February
- (26 Feb 2021) Agnus Dei - A Celebration of Life! (Joseph Knapicius)
- (26 Feb 2021) Alleluia - A Celebration of Life! (Joseph Knapicius)
- (26 Feb 2021) Lenten Gospel Acclamations (Various)
- (26 Feb 2021) Se saggio sei, Mirtillo (Giovanni Piccioni)
- (26 Feb 2021) Suscepimus Deus (Heinrich Isaac)
- (26 Feb 2021) Многая лета / Mnogaia leta (Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev)
25 February
- (25 Feb 2021) A Place Called Golgotha (Joseph Knapicius)
- (25 Feb 2021) Captains of the saintly band (Henry J. Gauntlett)
- (25 Feb 2021) Com'è soave cosa (Giovanni Piccioni)
- (25 Feb 2021) Come, pure hearts, in sweetest measures (Johann Löhner)
- (25 Feb 2021) Detroit (William Bradshaw)
- (25 Feb 2021) Disposer supreme, and Judge of the earth (II) (Alan Gray)
- (25 Feb 2021) Disposer supreme, and Judge of the earth (William Croft)
- (09 May 2015) Haec quae ter triplici (Orlando di Lasso)
- (25 Feb 2021) Laetare Jerusalem (Andrea Gabrieli)
- (25 Feb 2021) Lent Responsorial Psalms (Various)
- (25 Feb 2021) Oh mille volte fortunato (Giovanni Piccioni)
- (25 Feb 2021) Psalm 23 (Joseph Knapicius)
- (25 Feb 2021) The flirt (John Frederick Bridge)
- (25 Feb 2021) Vesper, Dominica II. Adventus (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
24 February
- (24 Feb 2021) Bold Turpin (John Frederick Bridge)
- (24 Feb 2021) Che sarebbe costui (Giovanni Piccioni)
- (24 Feb 2021) Conditor alme siderum (Thomas Eisenhut)
- (25 Feb 2021) Detroit (William Bradshaw)
- (24 Feb 2021) Disposer supreme, and Judge of the earth (I) (Alan Gray)
- (24 Feb 2021) Disposer supreme, and Judge of the earth (Thomas Ravenscroft)
- (24 Feb 2021) Dominus regit me (Carl Nielsen)
- (24 Feb 2021) Dum complerentur (Rinaldo del Mel)
- (24 Feb 2021) Lucis creator optime (Thomas Eisenhut)
- (24 Feb 2021) O lux beata Trinitas (Thomas Eisenhut)
- (24 Feb 2021) The eternal gifts of Christ the King (Gregorian chant)
- (24 Feb 2021) The eternal gifts of Christ the King (John Bishop)
- (22 Feb 2021) Wayfaring Stranger (Traditional)
23 February
- (23 Feb 2021) Evangelists (Andrew Sims)
- (24 Aug 2005) Joyful, joyful we adore thee (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- (23 Feb 2021) Missa Hercules Dux Ferrariae (Lupus Hellinck)
- (23 Feb 2021) Oh core ammalïato! (Giovanni Piccioni)
- (23 Feb 2021) Tal io, gran tempo infermo (Giovanni Piccioni)
- (22 Feb 2021) Wayfaring Stranger (Traditional)
22 February
- (22 Feb 2021) Abbot's Leigh (Andrew Sims)
- (22 Feb 2021) Beata Dei genitrix (Francesco de Layolle)
- (22 Feb 2021) Beatus Vir (Ps. 111) - IV tone falsibordoni (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
- (22 Feb 2021) Commemorationes communes - Suffragia (Gregorian chant)
- (22 Feb 2021) Confiteor tibi Domine - IV tone falsibordoni (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
- (22 Feb 2021) Deus in adjutorium (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
- (22 Feb 2021) Domine ad adjuvandum (Johann Kaspar Ferdinand Fischer)
- (22 Feb 2021) In exitu - Mixtus tonus falsibordoni (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
- (22 Feb 2021) Ingrediente Domino (Pandolfo Zallamella)
- (22 Feb 2021) Lauda Jerusalem (Johann Kaspar Ferdinand Fischer)
- (22 Feb 2021) Laudate Dominum (Johann Kaspar Ferdinand Fischer)
- (22 Feb 2021) Laudate pueri Dominum - VII tone falsibordoni (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
- (22 Feb 2021) Libera me (Francesco de Layolle)
- (22 Feb 2021) M'infingerò di non l'aver veduto (Giovanni Piccioni)
- (22 Feb 2021) Missa Adieu les amours (Francesco de Layolle)
- (15 Aug 2015) Missa Clementina I (Alessandro Scarlatti)
- (22 Feb 2021) Missa Clementina II (Alessandro Scarlatti)
- (22 Feb 2021) Stephanus autem (Francesco de Layolle)
- (22 Feb 2021) Suscepimus Deus (Lyon 1528) (Anonymous)
- (22 Feb 2021) Udite, lagrimosi spirti (Giovanni Piccioni)
- (22 Feb 2021) Vesper, Dominica I. Adventus (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
- (22 Feb 2021) Wareham (Andrew Sims)
- (22 Feb 2021) Wayfaring Stranger (Traditional)
21 February
- (21 Feb 2021) An old rat's tale (John Frederick Bridge)
- (09 Nov 2008) Come, ye thankful people come (George J. Elvey)
- (21 Feb 2021) Dixit Dominus (tone VII falsobordone) (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
- (13 Oct 2007) Eternal Father, strong to save (John Bacchus Dykes)
- (21 Feb 2021) From thee all skill and science flow (William Horsley)
- (21 Dec 2011) God save the King (Traditional)
- (07 Jan 2006) I vow to thee, my country (Gustav Holst)
- (21 Feb 2021) In Dominicis per Annum ad Vesperas (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
- (21 Feb 2021) Ite voi, che chiudeste (Giovanni Piccioni)
- (25 Aug 2005) Jerusalem (Charles Hubert Hastings Parry)
- (21 Feb 2021) O Lord of heaven and earth and sea (Johann David Meyer)
- (27 Aug 2010) O Lord of heaven and earth and sea (John Bacchus Dykes)
- (21 Feb 2021) O rex gentium (Claudio Merulo)
- (21 Feb 2021) Praise, O praise our God and King (John Antes)
- (15 Jan 2019) Rejoice, O land, in God thy might (William Knapp)
- (22 Oct 2013) Te lucis ante terminum (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
- (15 Aug 2010) To Thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise (Arthur Sullivan)
- (21 Feb 2021) We plough the fields, and scatter (Johann Abraham Peter Schulz)
20 February
- (20 Feb 2021) Beati mundo corde (Anonymous)
- (20 Feb 2021) Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Charles Hubert Hastings Parry)
- (20 Feb 2021) In our day of thanksgiving (Anonymous)
- (20 Feb 2021) Laudate Dominum de caelis (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- (20 Feb 2021) Non turbetur cor vestrum (Rinaldo del Mel)
- (20 Feb 2021) Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old (William Croft)
- (20 Feb 2021) To Phoebe (John Frederick Bridge)
19 February
- (19 Feb 2021) Awake, my fair (Francis Hutcheson)
- (19 Feb 2021) B - 13. neděle v mezidobí (Karel Bříza)
- (19 Feb 2021) B - 14. neděle v mezidobí (Karel Bříza)
- (19 Feb 2021) Blessed city, heavenly Salem (Alan Gray)
- (19 Feb 2021) Blessed city, heavenly Salem (Caspar Ett)
- (19 Feb 2021) Blessed city, heavenly Salem (Henry Purcell)
- (19 Feb 2021) Hear us, O Lord (Gregorian chant)
- (19 Feb 2021) High on a mountain's lofty brow (John Wall Callcott)
- (19 Feb 2021) Inter natos mulierum (Jacopo Antonio Cardillo)
- (19 Feb 2021) Jesu, Son of Mary (Friedrich Filitz)
- (19 Feb 2021) Jesu, Son of Mary (Sabine Baring-Gould)
- (19 Feb 2021) Lord, pour thy Spirit from on high (Samuel Webbe)
- (19 Feb 2021) Lord, pour thy Spirit from on high (Timothy Richard Matthews)
- (19 Feb 2021) O worship the King (Thomas Ravenscroft)
- (30 Jun 2015) Officium de Cruce (Loyset Compère)
- (17 May 2008) Oh! Sovereign of the willing soul (John Wall Callcott)
- (19 Feb 2021) Prithee fill me the glass (Benjamin Cooke)
- (19 Feb 2021) Take, O take those lips away (John Stafford Smith)
- (19 Feb 2021) Thee, the voice, the dance, obey (John Wall Callcott)
- (19 Feb 2021) What bright joy can this exceed? (Samuel Webbe)
18 February
- (18 Feb 2021) Bread of heaven, on thee we feed (William Dalrymple MacLagan)
- (31 Aug 2005) Chi la gagliarda (Giovanni Domenico da Nola)
- (18 Feb 2021) Domine Deus magnificata est (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- (18 Feb 2021) Domine Jesu Christe (Jason Smart)
- (18 Feb 2021) From glory to glory advancing (Gustav Holst)
- (18 Feb 2021) Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face (Henry Lawes)
- (18 Feb 2021) Magnificat septimii toni (odd verses) (Duarte Lobo)
- (18 Feb 2021) Miserere mei Deus (Jacobus Vaet)
- (18 Feb 2021) My God, accept my heart this day (Alexander Robert Reinagle)
- (18 Feb 2021) O God, unseen yet ever near (Anonymous)
- (18 Feb 2021) O perfect Love (Felix Mendelssohn)
- (18 Feb 2021) O perfect Love (John Bacchus Dykes)
- (24 Aug 2005) Psaume 150 (César Franck)
- (18 Feb 2021) Ure igne sancti spiritus (Claudio Merulo)
- (18 Feb 2021) Wherefore, O Father, we thy humble servants (Philippe Goibaud-Dubois)
17 February
- (17 Feb 2021) Almighty Father, Lord most high (Timothy Richard Matthews)
- (17 Feb 2021) Almighty Father, Lord most high (William Crowfoot)
- (17 Feb 2021) B - 12. neděle v mezidobí (Karel Bříza)
- (17 Feb 2021) Bread of the world in mercy broken (Anonymous)
- (01 Sep 2010) Bread of the world in mercy broken (Louis Bourgeois)
- (17 Feb 2021) Confitemini Domino (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (17 Feb 2021) Dearest Jesu, we are here (Johann Rudolf Ahle)
- (17 Feb 2021) Deus a quo sancta desideria (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (17 Feb 2021) Dixit Dominus ad Adam (Gregorian chant)
- (17 Feb 2021) Dixit pater familias operaris suis (Gregorian chant)
- (17 Feb 2021) Domine Iesu Christe non sum dignus (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (17 Feb 2021) Dum steteritis ante reges (Jacobus Vaet)
- (17 Feb 2021) Exsurgat Deus (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- (17 Feb 2021) Gloria in excelsis Deo - Qui tollis (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (01 Dec 2016) Hodie nobis coelorum rex (Rinaldo del Mel)
- (18 Jan 2020) Infinita beltà ch'in voi risplende (Andreas Pevernage)
- (15 Feb 2017) Invocabit me (Heinrich Isaac)
- (17 Feb 2021) Magnificat (seventh tone) (Gregorian chant)
- (17 Feb 2021) Non nobis Domine (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (05 Apr 2014) O com'è gran martire (Andreas Pevernage)
- (17 Feb 2021) O sacrum convivium (Claudio Merulo)
- (17 Feb 2021) O thou, who at thy Eucharist didst pray (Orlando Gibbons)
- (17 Feb 2021) Simile est regnum coelorum (Jacobus Vaet)
- (17 Feb 2021) Veni Sancte Spiritus (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (17 Feb 2021) We hail thy presence glorious (Johann Michael Haydn)
- (17 Feb 2021) We hail thy presence glorious (William Henry Monk)
- (17 Feb 2021) We pray thee, heavenly Father (Johann Michael Haydn)
- (28 Aug 2010) We pray thee, heavenly Father (John Bacchus Dykes)
16 February
- (16 Feb 2021) Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet (Wolfgang Carl Briegel)
- (16 Feb 2021) B - 11. neděle v mezidobí (Karel Bříza)
- (16 Feb 2021) B - Nejsvětějšího Srdce Ježíšova (Karel Bříza)
- (26 Nov 2008) Pater noster (Michael Praetorius)
- (16 Feb 2021) Saulus adhuc spirans (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- (17 Feb 2012) The Goslings (John Frederick Bridge)
15 February
- (20 Nov 2010) Alleluia! sing to Jesus! (Rowland Hugh Prichard)
- (15 Feb 2021) And now, O Father, mindful of the love (Orlando Gibbons)
- (18 Nov 2016) And now, dear Father, mindful of the love (William Henry Monk)
- (15 Feb 2021) Author of life divine (Henry Lawes)
- (30 Dec 2009) Author of life divine (Samuel Sebastian Wesley)
- (15 Feb 2021) B - Nejsvětější Trojice (Karel Bříza)
- (15 Feb 2021) Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness (Johann Crüger)
- (15 Feb 2021) Dixit Dominus ad Adam (Gierolamo Lambardi)
- (15 Feb 2021) Dixit pater familias (Gierolamo Lambardi)
- (24 Aug 2005) Hosanna to the Son of David (Orlando Gibbons)
- (15 Feb 2021) I saw the soul (Carlotta Ferrari)
- (24 Jun 2014) Johannespassion (Christoph Dalitz)
- (15 Feb 2021) La tortorella è semplice uccelletto (Jacob Obrecht)
- (15 Feb 2021) Laudemus Deum nostrum (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- (15 Feb 2021) Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour (Anonymous)
- (14 Jan 2019) Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour (George Clement Martin)
- (15 Aug 2012) Magnificat (Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck)
- (15 Feb 2021) Missa Pis ne me peult venir (Thomas Crecquillon)
- (15 Feb 2021) My God, and is thy table spread (Edward Miller)
- (05 Sep 2012) O Domine Jesu Christe (Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck)
- (15 Feb 2021) Oculi mei (Rogier Michael)
- (30 Jun 2015) Officium de Cruce (Loyset Compère)
- (15 Feb 2021) Once, only once, and once for all (Vincent Francis Novello)
- (15 Feb 2021) Pseaume 113 - Enfans qui le Seigneur servez (Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck)
- (15 Feb 2021) Pseaume 61: Enten pourquoi (Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck)
- (15 Feb 2021) Trust and Security in God (William Ellison)
- (15 Feb 2021) Vorria saper da voi (Giovanni de Macque)
- (15 Feb 2021) When my soul fainted within me (John Frederick Bridge)
14 February
- (14 Feb 2021) Ad te levavi oculos meos (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (14 Feb 2021) Adventu Domini (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (14 Feb 2021) Alas! (Barbara Rosen)
- (14 Feb 2021) Beatus vir (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (14 Feb 2021) Corpora sunt hominum (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (14 Feb 2021) Domine Dominus noster (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (14 Feb 2021) Gwêl, uwchlaw cymylau amser (John Roberts)
- (14 Feb 2021) Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts (George Cooper I)
- (14 Feb 2021) Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts (John Frederick Lampe)
- (21 Nov 2007) Kingsfold (Ralph Vaughan Williams)
- (24 Aug 2005) Laetentur coeli - Orietur in diebus (William Byrd)
- (14 Feb 2021) Laus et gloria (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- (14 Feb 2021) Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Anonymous)
- (14 Feb 2021) Mignonne, allons voir si la rose (Rinaldo del Mel)
- (14 Feb 2021) Pastor ovi Dominus (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (14 Feb 2021) The heavenly Word, proceeding forth (Anonymous)
- (14 Feb 2021) The heavenly Word, proceeding forth (Gregorian chant)
- (14 Feb 2021) Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, thee (Gregorian chant)
13 February
- (13 Feb 2021) Cantabo Domino in vita mea (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (14 Nov 2018) Caro dolce mio ben chi mi vi toglie? (Luca Marenzio)
- (07 Aug 2023) Deh, dimmi vita mia (Orazio Vecchi)
- (13 Feb 2021) Denied any outlet (Barbara Rosen)
- (13 Feb 2021) Do not tremble (Orazio Vecchi)
- (13 Feb 2021) Felices vere faciunt (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (12 Nov 2006) Gesu Bambino (Pietro Yon)
- (13 Feb 2021) God, who is rich in mercy (George M. Garrett)
- (02 Feb 2020) Hor un laccio un' ardore (Giovanni de Macque)
- (24 Aug 2005) I heard a voice from heaven (Thomas Tomkins)
- (13 Feb 2021) I languish to complain me (Alfonso Ferrabosco I)
- (13 Feb 2021) I think that, if the hills (Alfonso Ferrabosco I)
- (13 Feb 2021) I was eating a candy bar... (Barbara Rosen)
- (13 Feb 2021) If silent, then grief torments me (Alfonso Ferrabosco I)
- (24 Aug 2005) Justorum animae (William Byrd)
- (13 Feb 2021) Laudate Dominum lucidum templum (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (08 Dec 2020) Maria Magdalena et altera Maria (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (24 Aug 2005) Miserere mei, Deus (William Byrd)
- (13 Feb 2021) Ni Deus curet regat (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (01 Oct 2009) O Lord, in thy wrath (Orlando Gibbons)
- (13 Feb 2021) O my Saviour, lifted (Timothy Richard Matthews)
- (13 Feb 2021) Oculus non vidit (Michael J. Drake, Jr.)
- (25 Oct 2005) Pange lingua - Tantum ergo (Gregorian chant)
- (13 Feb 2021) Per gratiam quam innenisti (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- (13 Feb 2021) Quare fremuerunt gentes (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (13 Feb 2021) Reminiscere (Rogier Michael)
- (13 Feb 2021) Rossignolet qui chante (Rinaldo del Mel)
- (13 Feb 2021) Say sweet Phyllis (Alfonso Ferrabosco I)
- (13 Feb 2021) Souls of men, why will ye scatter (Johann Ludwig Steiner)
- (13 Feb 2021) Such pleasant boughs (Alfonso Ferrabosco I)
- (13 Feb 2021) Sudden passions (Alessandro Orologio)
- (13 Feb 2021) Take my life, and let it be (Anonymous)
- (13 Feb 2021) Take my life, and let it be (William Henry Havergal)
- (24 Aug 2005) Tantum ergo (Parisian) (Anonymous)
- (13 Feb 2021) The Nightingale (Peter Philips)
- (13 Feb 2021) The Space (Barbara Rosen)
- (13 Feb 2021) Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown (Timothy Richard Matthews)
- (15 Apr 2017) Victimae Paschali (Pietro Yon)
- (13 Feb 2021) Vox in Rama (Michael J. Drake, Jr.)
- (24 Aug 2005) When David heard (Thomas Weelkes)
12 February
- (12 Feb 2021) Come, ye gentles, hear the story (Edward Bairstow)
- (24 Aug 2005) Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe, BuxWV38 (Dietrich Buxtehude)
- (24 Aug 2010) I heard the voice of Jesus say (John Bacchus Dykes)
- (12 Feb 2021) I lift up my eyes to the mountains (Philip Le Bas)
- (12 Feb 2021) Jesus, these eyes have never seen (Anonymous)
- (12 Feb 2021) Just as I am, without one plea (Arthur Henry Brown)
- (08 Oct 2010) Just as I am, without one plea (Henry Thomas Smart)
- (12 Feb 2021) Meditabor (Georg von Pasterwitz)
- (12 Feb 2021) My friend Sylvia (Barbara Rosen)
- (12 Feb 2021) Ne tradideris me (Nobuaki Izawa)
- (12 Feb 2021) Quae est ista quae ascendit (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
11 February
- (11 Feb 2021) B - Těla a krve Páně (Karel Bříza)
- (11 Feb 2021) Come, O thou traveller unknown (Peniel) (Samuel Sebastian Wesley)
- (11 Feb 2021) For John (Barbara Rosen)
- (23 Aug 2010) Hark, my soul! It is the Lord (John Bacchus Dykes)
- (11 Feb 2021) Hunger (Barbara Rosen)
- (11 Feb 2021) Iesu Rex coeli dominans abysso (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (11 Feb 2021) In Celebration (Barbara Rosen)
- (11 Feb 2021) Laudate servi Dominum (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (11 Feb 2021) Levavi oculos (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- (11 Feb 2021) Man singet mit Freuden vom Sieg (Dietrich Buxtehude)
- (11 Feb 2021) Miserere (Joan Antoni de Boixadors)
- (11 Feb 2021) Missa in F (Johann Nicolaus Krebs)
- (11 Feb 2021) Missa pro mortuis (Simon de Bonnefond)
- (02 Jan 2014) Poi ch'el mio largo (Orlando di Lasso)
- (11 Feb 2021) Sacris solemniis (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- (11 Feb 2021) The light (Barbara Rosen)
- (11 Feb 2021) Videns Dominus (Jacobus Vaet)
10 February
- (10 Feb 2021) "Lift up your hearts!" (Walter Greatorex)
- (10 Feb 2021) As thy shadow itself apply'th (Thomas Whythorne)
- (26 Dec 2009) Come, O thou traveller unknown (Colchester) (Samuel Sebastian Wesley)
- (24 Aug 2005) If ye love me (Thomas Tallis)
- (10 Feb 2021) Lord, it belongs not to my care (Edward John Hopkins)
- (28 Feb 2012) Morgengesang, Opus 71 No. 7 (Max Bruch)
- (10 Feb 2021) Si je n'avais un (Anonymous)
- (10 Feb 2021) Te invocamus (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- (10 Feb 2021) Three dead rats (Barbara Rosen)
- (24 Aug 2005) Viri Galilaei (William Byrd)
- (10 Feb 2021) Why I Leave When I Do (Barbara Rosen)
- (10 Feb 2021) Богородице Дево / Bogoroditse Dyevo (Viktor Kalinnikov)
9 February
- (09 Feb 2021) Blest are the pure in heart (William Henry Havergal)
- (09 Feb 2021) Dame Vénus (Anonymous)
- (09 Feb 2021) Esto mihi (Rogier Michael)
- (09 Feb 2021) Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go (Orlando Gibbons)
- (24 Aug 2009) God be in my head (Henry Walford Davies)
- (09 Feb 2021) Iam Christus astra ascenderat (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- (09 Feb 2021) Leur entreprise (Pierre Certon)
- (09 Feb 2021) Lord, be thy word my rule (Henry L. Jenner)
- (09 Feb 2021) O Jesus, I have promised (William Harold Ferguson)
- (28 Apr 2020) O for a heart to praise my God (Thomas Wright)
- (09 Feb 2021) Take up thy cross, the Saviour said (Anonymous)
- (09 Feb 2021) Teach me, my God and King (Anonymous)
8 February
- (08 Feb 2021) Ah! Hills beloved (John Wall Callcott)
- (08 Feb 2021) Anthem For Doomed Youth (James Crawford)
- (08 Feb 2021) Anthem For Doomed Youth. Choral Edition (James Crawford)
- (08 Feb 2021) As pants the hart for cooling streams (Hugh Wilson)
- (08 Feb 2021) Deus Abraham (Théodore Dubois)
- (08 Feb 2021) Fall is here (Barbara Rosen)
- (23 Aug 2010) Fierce raged the tempest o'er the deep (John Bacchus Dykes)
- (08 Feb 2021) Get thee behind me (Barbara Rosen)
- (08 Feb 2021) Go, tuneful bird (John Wall Callcott)
- (08 Feb 2021) Hast thou left thy blue course (John Wall Callcott)
- (08 Feb 2021) Here my Chloe, charming maid (William Horsley)
- (08 Feb 2021) Herodes rex iratus (Lambert de Sayve)
- (08 Feb 2021) I know you false (William Horsley)
- (08 Feb 2021) Lord, teach us how to pray aright (Edward John Hopkins)
- (08 Feb 2021) Not for our sins alone (Anonymous)
- (08 Feb 2021) Not for our sins alone (William Henry Monk)
- (08 Feb 2021) Oh, the sweet contentment (William Horsley)
- (08 Feb 2021) Omnes gentes plaudite (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- (08 Feb 2021) On a bank beside a willow (William Horsley)
- (08 Feb 2021) Postal Round (Barbara Rosen)
- (27 Apr 2020) Praise ye the Lord ye children (Christopher Tye)
- (08 Feb 2021) Shepherd divine, our wants relieve (Thomas Turton)
- (08 Feb 2021) Sleep soft, fair form (John Wall Callcott)
- (08 Feb 2021) Spring has sprung (Barbara Rosen)
- (08 Feb 2021) Spring's dewy hand (John Wall Callcott)
- (08 Feb 2021) Subway turnstiles (Barbara Rosen)
- (24 Aug 2005) The Knell of tyrant laws I hear (John Wall Callcott)
- (08 Feb 2021) The Social Distance Waltz (Barbara Rosen)
- (08 Feb 2021) The tomb of Shakespeare (John Wall Callcott)
- (08 Feb 2021) Un doulx regard (Robert Meigret)
- (08 Feb 2021) When the fair moon (William Horsley)
- (08 Feb 2021) Worship (Geoffrey Shaw)
- (08 Feb 2021) Ye distant spires (John Wall Callcott)
- (08 Feb 2021) You gentlemen on t'other side (John Wall Callcott)
7 February
- (07 Feb 2021) Asleep Choral Edition (James Crawford)
- (07 Feb 2021) Billy's baby brother (John Hetland)
- (07 Feb 2021) Conscious. Choral Edition (James Crawford)
- (07 Feb 2021) Dulce Et Decorum Est. Choral Edition (James Crawford)
- (07 Feb 2021) For Ken (Barbara Rosen)
- (07 Feb 2021) Futility. Choral Edition (James Crawford)
- (07 Feb 2021) Henry Hetland (John Hetland)
- (17 Oct 2005) Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- (07 Feb 2021) Hope (Barbara Rosen)
- (07 Feb 2021) I couldn't hear nobody pray (Traditional)
- (07 Feb 2021) I like... (Barbara Rosen)
- (07 Feb 2021) I saw his round mouth's crimson. Choral Edition (James Crawford)
- (07 Feb 2021) I think God walked (John Hetland)
- (19 Aug 2017) Io v'amo vita mia (Vittoria Aleotti)
- (07 Feb 2021) J'ai court plaisir (Anonymous)
- (07 Feb 2021) Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us (Friedrich Filitz)
- (24 Aug 2005) Lucis Creator optime (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
- (07 Feb 2021) O God of truth, whose living word (I) (Anonymous)
- (07 Feb 2021) O God of truth, whose living word (II) (Anonymous)
- (07 Feb 2021) O God of truth, whose living word (III) (Anonymous)
- (27 Sep 2010) Pater noster a 5 (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- (26 Nov 2016) Put thou thy trust in God (Samuel Wesley)
- (07 Feb 2021) S'io men vò morirò (Francesca Caccini)
- (07 Feb 2021) Salve Regina (round) (John Hetland)
- (03 Feb 2007) Stand up, stand up for Jesus (George J. Webb)
- (07 Feb 2021) The earth is the Lord's (John Hetland)
- (07 Feb 2021) The king shall rejoice (John Goss)
- (07 Feb 2021) Ton doulx regard (Anonymous)
- (02 Jan 2017) Vidi speciosam (Raffaella Aleotti)
6 February
- (06 Feb 2021) 1914- Choral Edition (James Crawford)
- (06 Feb 2021) A round is like a universe (John Hetland)
- (06 Feb 2021) Adorate Deum (Rogier Michael)
- (06 Feb 2021) Alleluia: Caro mea (Heinrich Isaac)
- (06 Feb 2021) By and by (Traditional)
- (06 Feb 2021) Canby Singers (John Hetland)
- (06 Feb 2021) Jacob's ladder (Traditional)
- (06 Feb 2021) Lay this body down (Traditional)
- (22 Mar 2010) Missa in D (Giuseppe Antonio Bernabei)
- (06 Feb 2021) O Gladdening Light / Свете Тихий (Viktor Kalinnikov)
- (06 Feb 2021) Tous les malheurs que j'ai (Pierre Sandrin)
- (06 Feb 2021) You may bury me in the East (Traditional)
5 February
- (05 Feb 2021) Afflictus sum (Carl Nielsen)
- (05 Feb 2021) Alleluia. Ascendit Deus (Johann Knöfel)
- (05 Feb 2021) Ave Maria (round) (John Hetland)
- (05 Feb 2021) Dicit Dominus (Rogier Michael)
- (05 Feb 2021) Get on board, little children (Traditional)
- (05 Feb 2021) How to kéep - is there ány any (John Hetland)
- (05 Feb 2021) Je fille quant dieu my donne de quoy (Maître Gosse)
- (15 Nov 2015) Mass in G (Giuseppe Antonio Bernabei)
- (05 Feb 2021) Messa per li defonti (Maurizio Cazzati)
- (05 Feb 2021) One more river to cross (Traditional)
- (05 Feb 2021) Roll, Jordan, roll (Traditional)
- (05 Feb 2021) Your hair is like a flock of goats (John Hetland)
4 February
- (04 Feb 2021) And you, my beloved (John Hetland)
- (04 Feb 2021) B - 6. neděle velikonoční (Karel Bříza)
- (04 Feb 2021) B - 7. neděle velikonoční (Karel Bříza)
- (04 Feb 2021) B - Car. 1 : Psaume et Acclamation (Remi Studer)
- (04 Feb 2021) Friends, come around (John Hetland)
- (04 Oct 2013) Gaude virgo - Ave Maria (Anonymous)
- (04 Feb 2021) Haec est illa dulcis rosa (Anonymous)
- (04 Feb 2021) Hail, hail to Winter bold (Percy Eastman Fletcher)
- (04 Feb 2021) Her name upon the strand (David Protheroe)
- (04 Feb 2021) Je file quand on me donne de quoy (Philip van Wilder)
- (24 Aug 2005) O Lord, arise (Thomas Weelkes)
- (11 Apr 2016) Orpheus with his lute (John Whittaker)
- (04 Feb 2021) Quis est iste (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- (04 Feb 2021) Salve regina (Anonymous)
- (04 Feb 2021) Videns Dominus (Nobuaki Izawa)
- (04 Feb 2021) You are the life in my life (John Hetland)
3 February
- (03 Feb 2021) B - 4. neděle velikonoční (Karel Bříza)
- (03 Feb 2021) B - 5. neděle velikonoční (Karel Bříza)
- (03 Feb 2021) The new-born King (Percy Eastman Fletcher)
2 February
- (02 Feb 2021) Ave Maria … benedicta (Johannes Regis)
- (02 Feb 2021) Exurge gloria mea (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- (02 Feb 2021) Lauda Sion salvatorem (Antoine Brumel)
- (02 Feb 2021) Magnificat quarti toni (even verses) (Duarte Lobo)
- (02 Feb 2021) O praise God in his holiness (John Weldon)
- (24 Aug 2005) O quam gloriosum est regnum - Benedictio et claritas (William Byrd)
- (02 Feb 2021) O sacrum convivium (Edward d'Evry)
- (02 Feb 2021) Psaume 90 (91), trait du premier dimanche de Carême (Remi Studer)
1 February
- (01 Feb 2021) Awake, north wind! (John Hetland)
- (01 Feb 2021) Before day breathes (John Hetland)
- (01 Feb 2021) Bury Me in a Free Land (Carlotta Ferrari)
- (13 Sep 2007) Hark, alleluia (Thomas Morley)
- (01 Feb 2021) Ingemuit Susanna (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- (22 Aug 2014) Praise the Lord, O my soul (Thomas Tomkins)
- (01 Feb 2021) Que me servent mes vers (Philippe de Monte)
- (01 Feb 2021) Shall I compare thee (John Hetland)
- (01 Feb 2021) Threescore are the queens (John Hetland)
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