ChoralWiki:CPDL 411xy
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Listing of works with edition numbers of the form 411xy
- CPDL #41100: Victory (William Billings)
- CPDL #41101: Victory (William Billings)
- CPDL #41102: Jubilate in G (Henry Aldrich)
- CPDL #41103: Funeral Anthem (William Billings)
- CPDL #41104: Funeral Anthem (William Billings)
- CPDL #41105: Psalm 100 (Brian Marble)
- CPDL #41106: Middletown (Amos Bull)
- CPDL #41107: Middletown (Amos Bull)
- CPDL #41108: Missa Pro defunctis (Oreste Ravanello)
- CPDL #41109: Korsfarerne (Niels Wilhelm Gade)
- CPDL #41110: Praise the Lord, O my soul (William Child)
- CPDL #41111: Ave Maria a 8 (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- CPDL #41112: O Lord, grant the king a long life (William Child)
- CPDL #41113: Sommerlied, Opus 60, Nr. 2 (Max Bruch)
- CPDL #41114: Psalm 21 (Amos Bull)
- CPDL #41115: Psalm 21 (Amos Bull)
- CPDL #41116: Missa Pro defunctis (Oreste Ravanello)
- CPDL #41117: Kyrie in D minor (William Byrd)
- CPDL #41118: Oh Maria (Óscar Manuel Paredes Grau)
- CPDL #41119: Missa Brevis (David Joseph Stith)
- CPDL #41120: Jubilate in D major (William Child)
- CPDL #41121: Obsecro te (Carlotta Ferrari)
- CPDL #41122: Ego rogabo Patrem (Giovanni Gabrieli)
- CPDL #41123: O lux beata Trinitas (Carlotta Ferrari)
- CPDL #41124: In te credo (Carlotta Ferrari)
- CPDL #41125: Resuenen los clarines (Manuel de Zumaya)
- CPDL #41126: The Lord's Prayer (David Joseph Stith)
- CPDL #41127: Diligite justitiam (Tiburtio Massaino)
- CPDL #41129: Nicene Creed in G (Henry Aldrich)
- CPDL #41130: Mausfallensprüchlein (Hugo Distler)
- CPDL #41131: Missa L'homme armé super voces musicales (Josquin des Prez)
- CPDL #41132: O splendidissima gemma (Carlotta Ferrari)
- CPDL #41133: Sicut cervus (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- CPDL #41135: Impetum inimicorum ne timueritis (Tiburtio Massaino)
- CPDL #41136: Compatite al mio gran fallo (Barbara Strozzi)
- CPDL #41137: Rissolvetevi pensieri (Barbara Strozzi)
- CPDL #41138: Miei pensieri (Barbara Strozzi)
- CPDL #41139: Vane le mie speranze (Barbara Strozzi)
- CPDL #41140: Lilla dici ch'io non t'amo (Barbara Strozzi)
- CPDL #41141: The Creed (John Playford)
- CPDL #41142: The Lords Prayer (John Playford)
- CPDL #41143: Nunc dimittis (John Playford)
- CPDL #41144: Magnificat (John Playford)
- CPDL #41145: Come Holy Ghost (John Playford)
- CPDL #41146: Veni Creator (John Farmer)
- CPDL #41147: The humble suit of a sinner (John Farmer)
- CPDL #41148: Te Deum (John Farmer)
- CPDL #41149: The song of the 3 children (John Farmer)
- CPDL #41150: The Lamentation (John Farmer)
- CPDL #41151: A Prayer for the Queen (John Dowland)
- CPDL #41152: A prayer (Giles Farnaby)
- CPDL #41153: The complaint of a sinner (John Farmer)
- CPDL #41154: The X Commandments (John Farmer)
- CPDL #41155: Benedictus (John Farmer)
- CPDL #41156: There is no God (John Farmer)
- CPDL #41157: Lord God of health (John Farmer)
- CPDL #41158: Magnificat (John Farmer)
- CPDL #41159: Dachsteinlied (Ludwig Carl Seydler)
- CPDL #41160: O taste and see (Charles H. Giffen)
- CPDL #41161: Ad te, ò Christe dirigo vota (Tiburtio Massaino)
- CPDL #41162: Shepherds, shake off your drowsy sleep (Simon Biazeck)
- CPDL #41163: O Lord God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance (William Child)
- CPDL #41164: Video caelos apertos (Nobuaki Izawa)
- CPDL #41165: Dicit Dominus ego cogito (Heinrich Isaac)
- CPDL #41166: Alleluia: De profundis clamavi (Heinrich Isaac)
- CPDL #41167: Anima mea liquefacta est (Tiburtio Massaino)
- CPDL #41168: Praise the Lord on high (Scott Villard)
- CPDL #41169: Africa (William Billings)
- CPDL #41171: Ave regina caelorum (Francisco Valls)
- CPDL #41172: Suscepimus, Deus (Gregor Aichinger)
- CPDL #41173: Die Tochter der Heide (2. Fassung) (Hugo Distler)
- CPDL #41174: Où sont amour et charité (Frédéric Debons)
- CPDL #41175: Missa Pro defunctis (Oreste Ravanello)
- CPDL #41176: As the hart panteth (William Billings)
- CPDL #41177: America (1770) (William Billings)
- CPDL #41178: Missa Pro defunctis (Oreste Ravanello)
- CPDL #41179: O Domine Iesu Christe a 6 (Orazio Vecchi)
- CPDL #41180: Te Deum in G (Henry Aldrich)
- CPDL #41181: Aria de la Suite No. 3 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- CPDL #41182: Missa Brevis in F Major (2016) (Scott Villard)
- CPDL #41183: Messe brève en faux canon (Frédéric Debons)
- CPDL #41184: Messe brève en faux canon (Frédéric Debons)
- CPDL #41185: Messe brève en faux canon (Frédéric Debons)
- CPDL #41186: Messe brève en faux canon (Frédéric Debons)
- CPDL #41187: Messe brève en faux canon (Frédéric Debons)
- CPDL #41188: Out of the deep (Henry Aldrich)
- CPDL #41189: Ecce Maria genuit (Claudio Merulo)
- CPDL #41190: Windsor New (Stephen Jenks)
- CPDL #41191: Windsor New (Stephen Jenks)
- CPDL #41192: Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas (Giaches de Wert)
- CPDL #41193: Ave verum corpus (Richard Dering)
- CPDL #41194: O thou to whom all creatures bow (William Billings)
- CPDL #41195: Missa Pro defunctis (Oreste Ravanello)
- CPDL #41196: O give thanks (Henry Aldrich)
- CPDL #41197: O give thanks (Henry Aldrich)
- CPDL #41198: Korsfarerne (Niels Wilhelm Gade)
- CPDL #41199: Cantate Domino (Claudio Merulo)