Category:Text pages
Pages listed below are neither score nor composer pages but are instead for a frequently used text. Typically, the following pages will contain:
- the full text in question with any translations
- information about the text
- links to score pages which use their text (or a translation thereof) and
- links to useful external websites/pages about the text.
If you are adding a text or translation to a score page, it is a good idea to check this category first to see if the text or translation has already been added on a separate page. If it has, simply replace the code {{NoText}} with {{LinkText|Your page name here}} where "Your page name here" is one of the page titles below (note that the system is case sensitive).
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This category has only the following subcategory.
Pages in this category
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,075 total.
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- A Better Day is Coming By and By
- A Cradle Song
- A few more days on earth to spend
- A great and mighty wonder
- A la dolce ombra
- A la dolce ombra de la nobil pianta
- A Mercy of Peace
- A morrer crucificado (Via Sacra)
- A qualunque animale alberga in terra
- A solis ortus cardine
- Ab oriente
- Abide with me
- Above what we can ask or hope
- Absalon, fili mi
- Absolve Domine
- Ach Gott und Herr
- Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein
- Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder
- Ad caenam agni providi
- Ad Dominum (Gradual)
- Ad te levavi animam meam
- Adam lay ybounden
- Ade zur guten Nacht
- Adeste fideles
- Adesto dolori meo
- Adiuva nos Deus
- Adjuro vos
- Adoramus te, Christe
- Adorna thalamum tuum
- Adoro te devote
- Adoro te, o panis caelice
- Aestimatus sum
- Afferentur regi
- Afflicti pro peccatis
- Agimus tibi gratias
- Agnello di Dio
- Agnus Dei
- Ah lovely appearance of death!
- Ah! whither should I go
- Ah, dolente partita!
- Ahi, come à un vago Sol
- Ai de mim pelo pecado
- Al dolce suon del mormorar de l'onde
- Al partir del mio Sole
- Alas! and did my Savior bleed
- Alas! what hope of speeding
- Alas, my aching heart
- Alcun non può saper
- All glory to God in the sky
- All hail the power of Jesus' name
- All my heart this night rejoices
- All ye that pass by
- All-conquering Lord, whom sinners adore
- All-glorious God, what hymns of praise
- Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr
- Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ
- Alleluia (Hallelujah)
- Alleluia! Alleluia! hearts and voices heavenward raise
- Alleluia, sing to Jesus
- Alleluia. Laudem dicite
- Aller Augen warten auf dich, Herre
- Alma afflitta
- Alma Redemptoris Mater
- Alma, se stata fossi
- Almighty God which hast knit together
- Almighty King of heaven above
- Almighty Maker, God
- Als Jesus Christus in der Nacht
- Although soft sleep
- Altissimu, omnipotente bon Signore
- Am I a soldier of the cross
- Am Winterabend
- Amatemi, ben mio (Torquato Tasso)
- Amavit eum Dominus
- Amazing grace! how sweet the sound
- Amen … quidquid orantes
- Amicus meus osculi
- Amor io sent'un
- Amor per tua mercè
- Amor, Fortuna
- Amor, se i bei rubini
- Amour ne fait que tourmenter
- An den Sonnenschein
- Ancor che col partire
- And am I born to die
- And am I only born to die
- And can it be, that I should gain
- And is the lovely shadow fled
- And let our bodies part
- And let this feeble body fail
- And must I be to judgment brought
- And must this body die
- And now the scales have left mine eyes
- Angel voices, ever singing
- Angelis suis
- Angelorum hominumque
- Angels from the realms of glory
- Angels, roll the rock away
- Angelus ad pastores ait
- Angelus Domini (Offertory)
- Angelus Domini descendit
- Angelus Domini locutus est
- Anima Christi
- Anima dolorosa
- Anima mea exultabit in Domino
- Anima mea liquefacta est
- Animam meam dilectam
- Anthem for Doomed Youth
- Apollo, s'anchor vive il bel desio
- Apostles' Creed
- Ardens est cor meum
- Ardo, sì, ma non t'amo
- Arise and hail the sacred day
- Arise, my soul, my joyful powers
- Arise, my tenderest thoughts, arise
- Art thou weary, art thou languid
- As now the sun's declining rays
- As on the cross the Savior hung
- Ascendens Christus in altum
- Ascendente Iesu
- Ascendit Deus in jubilatione
- Ascendo ad Patrem
- The Ash Grove
- Asperges me Domine
- Aspice Domine de sede
- Aspice Domine quia facta est
- Aspiciens a longe
- Assumpta est Maria
- Astiterunt reges terrae
- Astonished and distressed
- At Thy command, our dearest Lord
- Attend ye saints and hear me tell
- Attend, ye saints, and hear me tell
- Attende Domine
- Attendite a falsis prophetis
- Audi benigne
- Audi Domine hymnum
- Audi dulcis amica mea
- Audivi vocem
- Audivi vocem de caelo venientem
- Auf, auf, mein Herz mit Freuden
- Auprès de vous
- Aure che'l tristo e lamentevol suono
- Aurea luce
- Aurora lucis rutilat
- Aus meines Herzens Grunde
- Aus tiefer Not
- Author of life divine
- Ave gratia plena
- Ave Maria
- Ave maris stella
- Ave praeclara
- Ave Regina caelorum
- Ave rosa sine spinis
- Ave sanctissima Maria
- Ave verum corpus
- Ave vivens hostia
- Un avocat dit à sa femme
- Awake and sing the song
- Awake my soul, awake mine eyes
- Awake, Jerusalem, awake
- Awake, my heart; arise, my tongue
- Awake, my soul, and with the sun
- Awake, my soul, in joyful lays
- Awake, our souls; away, our fears
- Away in a manger
- A babe is born
- Baci amorosi e cari
- Balulalow
- Be merciful, O God, to me
- Be thou my vision
- Bear me to the sacred scene
- Beata Dei genitrix
- Beata Dei genitrix Maria, virgo perpetua
- Beata es Virgo Maria
- Beata viscera
- Beati mortui
- The Beatitudes
- Beatus es
- Beatus vir, qui suffert
- Befiehl du deine Wege
- Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme
- Begone unbelief
- Behold a silly, tender babe
- Behold that splendour: hear the shout
- Behold the glories of the Lamb
- Behold the great Creator makes
- Behold the path that mortals tread
- Behold the rose of Sharon here
- Behold the wretch whose lust and wine
- Behold what wondrous grace
- Behold, I bring you good tidings
- Behold, the friend of sinners dies
- Behold, the grace appears
- Bei nächtlicher Weil
- Benedicam Dominum
- Benedicamus Domino
- Benedicamus Patrem
- Benedicimus Deum caeli
- Benedicite