Category:CPDL 629xy
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Navigation: CPDL 628xy ——— CPDL 630xy
This (hidden) category lists those score pages containing CPDL edition numbers of the form CPDL #629xy: sorted on "xy" with headings grouped on the tens digit "x". A listing of these pages by their CPDL edtion numbers is at ChoralWiki:CPDL 629xy.
Pages in this category
The following 73 pages are in this category, out of 73 total.
- Alas! (Barbara Rosen)
- Gwêl, uwchlaw cymylau amser (John Roberts)
- Domine Dominus noster (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- Ad te levavi oculos meos (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- Beatus vir (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- Pastor ovi Dominus (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- Adventu Domini (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- Corpora sunt hominum (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- Laetentur coeli - Orietur in diebus (William Byrd)
- Laus et gloria (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- B - Nejsvětější Trojice (Karel Bříza)
- I saw the soul (Carlotta Ferrari)
- Laudemus Deum nostrum (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- Missa Pis ne me peult venir (Thomas Crecquillon)
- Trust and Security in God (William Ellison)
- O Domine Jesu Christe (Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck)
- Pseaume 61: Enten pourquoi (Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck)
- When my soul fainted within me (John Frederick Bridge)
- Pseaume 113 - Enfans qui le Seigneur servez (Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck)
- Dixit Dominus ad Adam (Gierolamo Lambardi)
- My God, and is thy table spread (Edward Miller)
- And now, O Father, mindful of the love (Orlando Gibbons)
- And now, dear Father, mindful of the love (William Henry Monk)
- Dixit pater familias (Gierolamo Lambardi)
- Once, only once, and once for all (Vincent Francis Novello)
- Alleluia! sing to Jesus! (Rowland Hugh Prichard)
- Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour (George Clement Martin)
- Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour (Anonymous)
- Pater noster (Michael Praetorius)
- B - Nejsvětějšího Srdce Ježíšova (Karel Bříza)
- B - 11. neděle v mezidobí (Karel Bříza)
- The Goslings (John Frederick Bridge)
- Saulus adhuc spirans (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet (Wolfgang Carl Briegel)
- Invocabit me (Heinrich Isaac)
- Dixit Dominus ad Adam (Gregorian chant)
- Dixit pater familias operaris suis (Gregorian chant)
- Magnificat (seventh tone) (Gregorian chant)
- Exsurgat Deus (Giovanni Francesco Anerio)
- Dum steteritis ante reges (Jacobus Vaet)
- B - 12. neděle v mezidobí (Karel Bříza)
- O com'è gran martire (Andreas Pevernage)
- Infinita beltà ch'in voi risplende (Andreas Pevernage)
- Hodie nobis coelorum rex (Rinaldo del Mel)
- O sacrum convivium (Claudio Merulo)
- We pray thee, heavenly Father (Johann Michael Haydn)
- We pray thee, heavenly Father (John Bacchus Dykes)
- O thou, who at thy Eucharist didst pray (Orlando Gibbons)
- We hail thy presence glorious (Johann Michael Haydn)