Category:CPDL 509xy
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Navigation: CPDL 508xy ——— CPDL 510xy
This (hidden) category lists those score pages containing CPDL edition numbers of the form CPDL #509xy: sorted on "xy" with headings grouped on the tens digit "x". A listing of these pages by their CPDL edtion numbers is at ChoralWiki:CPDL 509xy.
Pages in this category
The following 91 pages are in this category, out of 91 total.
- Sacrarum Cantionum (Cesare Gussago)
- Sonate a quattro, sei e otto (Cesare Gussago)
- Es muß das Zepter von Juda (Augustin Pfleger)
- In tribulatione invocavimus Dominum (Augustin Pfleger)
- Nigra sum (Virgilio Mazzocchi)
- Surge, propera amica mea (Johannes de Pinarol)
- Fyez vous y (Clément Janequin)
- Der Mond (Joseph Gersbach)
- Reges terrae (Pierre de Manchicourt)
- Tantum ergo (Giuseppe Corsi da Celano)
- Hertz liebster Wein (Ivo de Vento)
- Den liebsten bulen den ich han (Ivo de Vento)
- Ich weis ein meidlein hübsch und fein (Ivo de Vento)
- Für kunst geht gunst (Ivo de Vento)
- Congrega Domine (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- Che più d'un giorno (Orlando di Lasso)
- Musiciens qui chantez à plaisir (Hubert Waelrant)
- Die Sieben Worte Jesu Christi am Kreuz, SWV 478 (Heinrich Schütz)
- Was ist die welt (Ivo de Vento)
- Der hund mir vor dem liecht umbgaht (Ivo de Vento)
- O s'io potessi donna (Jacquet de Berchem)
- Deh se lo sdegno altiero (Jacques Arcadelt)
- Misero che farò (Hettorre della Marra)
- Inclytae sanctae virginis (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- Intonuit de celo (Andreas de Silva)
- O miseria d'amanti (Scipione Lacorcia)
- O sancta Maria (Anonymous)
- Vier Hirtinnen, gleich jung, SWV A1 (Heinrich Schütz)
- Remember not, Lord, our offences (John Amner)
- Almighty God, which hast given (Edmund Hooper)
- O Lord, deliver me from mine enemies (Christopher Tye)
- Deliver me from mine enemies (Robert Parsons)
- O Lord, grant the king a long life (William Child)
- O Lord, grant the king a long life (James Hawkins)
- Mach mir ein lustigs Liedelein (Hans Christoph Haiden)
- O Lord, grant the king a long life (Thomas Weelkes)
- De profundis clamavi ad te (Melchior Vulpius)
- Gloria, laus et honor tibi (Melchior Vulpius)
- Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in F (John Clarke-Whitfeld)
- Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in F (short service) (John Clarke-Whitfeld)
- Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in E (John Clarke-Whitfeld)
- Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in E flat (John Clarke-Whitfeld)
- Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in A (John Clarke-Whitfeld)
- Second (Caesar's) Service (John Amner)
- Symphoniae sacrae III, op. 12 (Heinrich Schütz)
- Ad sacram mensam properate fideles (Giovanni Sebastiani)
- Omnes sumus debitores (Giovanni Sebastiani)
- Wend ab deinen Zorn, lieber Herr (Franz Tunder)
- Herr, nun lässest du deinen Diener in Frieden fahren (Franz Tunder)
- Der Herr hat seinen Engeln befohlen (Johann Vierdanck)
- Dies irae (Giuseppe Zamponi)
- Crux fidelis (Jason Smart)
- Michael archangele (Claudin de Sermisy)
- Amour hellas (Ebran)
- Di moy amour (Jean Le Gendre)
- En contemplant ung iour (Morpain)
- Loing de tes yeulx (Lemoyne)
- On le ma dict (Mage)
- Tu parles trop (Wauquel)
- Vous me laissez (L'Huyllier)
- Ung bien à moy (Antoine de Mornable)
- Amour, ie sens (Antonio Gardano)
- Du bien de vous (Antonio Gardano)
- Ayant congneu si haultes mes pensees (Pierre Certon)
- Je ne veulx point (Pierre Certon)
- Je suys trop satisfaict (Pierre Certon)
- Das ist der Tag des Herrn (Conradin Kreutzer)
- Jayme myeulx boire (Pierre Certon)
- Le blanc et noyr (Pierre Certon)
- Pleurez mes yeulx (Pierre Certon)
- Le cueur, le corps (Pellegrune Symon)
- Bayser souvent (Pellegrune Symon)
- Venus ung iour (Robert Meigret)
- Si la faveur (Robert Meigret)
- Si la beaulté (Robert Meigret)
- Vesper 1 (Benedict Anton Aufschnaiter)
- Tota pulchra es (MS Royal 8.g.vii) (Anonymous)
- Wer will doch einen Reinen finden (Georg Böhm)
- Mein Freund ist mein (Georg Böhm)
- I vow to thee, my country (Gustav Holst)
- Nunc dimittis (Silla Palestrina)
- O beltà rara, o santi modi adorni (Orlando di Lasso)
- Quel rossignuol che si soave piagne (Orlando di Lasso)
- Cathalina apra finestra (Orlando di Lasso)
- Norway (Hezekiah Moors)
- Also hat Gott geliebt die welt (Ivo de Vento)