Category:88. 88 (L.M.)
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This subcategory of Hymn meters (and also of Four line meters) gives hymns and tunes that have been assigned the
- Meter: 88. 88 (L.M.), or Long Meter, an iambic meter consisting of four lines of eight syllables (four iambs) per line.
Pages in this category
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 709 total.
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- A hymn of glory let us sing (Anonymous)
- A hymn of glory let us sing (Gregorian chant)
- A solis ortus cardine (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- A solis ortus cardine (Thomas Stoltzer)
- Abendlied, Op. 19b, No. 4 (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Accende lumen sensibus (Michael Praetorius)
- Ach bleib' bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 253 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Ack Herre Jesu hör min röst (Knut Håkanson)
- Acton (Daniel Belknap)
- Acworth (Samuel Holyoke)
- Ad cenam Agni (Stanislav Surin)
- Ad cenam agni providi (I-II) (Guillaume Dufay)
- Ad coenam Agni providi I (André Vierendeels)
- Adieu (Stephen Jenks)
- Admiration (Lemuel Babcock)
- Adoration (William Billings)
- Aequalis aeterno patri (Michael Praetorius)
- Aeterne gratias tibi (Michael Praetorius)
- Again the Lord's own day is here (James William Elliott)
- Albany (Hezekiah Moors)
- Aldsworth (Samuel Holyoke)
- Alexandria (Alexander Gillet)
- Alibama (Oliver Holden)
- All Morgen ist ganz frisch und neu (Johann Walter)
- All people that on earth do dwell (1592) (John Dowland)
- All people that on earth do dwell (1621) (John Dowland)
- All people that on earth do dwell (Louis Bourgeois)
- All people that on earth do dwell (Thomas Clark)
- All praise to Him who built the hills (Joseph Barnby)
- All praise to thee who safe has kept (Samuel Sebastian Wesley)
- All praise to Thee, my God, this night (Joseph Barnby)
- All Saints (Alexander Gillet)
- Almighty Father, Lord most high (Timothy Richard Matthews)
- Almighty Father, Lord most high (William Crowfoot)
- Als vierzig Tag nach Ostern warn, BWV 266 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Das alte Jahr vergangen ist (Chorale), BWV 288 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Amanda (Alexander Gillet)
- Amanda (Justin Morgan)
- Amelia (Solomon Howe)
- Amen (Hezekiah Moors)
- Andover (Oliver Holden)
- Annapolis (Jacob French)
- Annapolis (Solomon Howe)
- The Apple Tree (Jeremiah Ingalls)
- Appleton (Timothy Swan)
- Arise and sing, dispel your fears (Almond Woolf)
- Arnheim (Samuel Holyoke)
- Around the throne of God a band (Traditional)
- Ashford (Daniel Belknap)
- Ashham (William Billings)
- Aspiring Praise (Oliver Holden)
- At even, ere the sun was set (Georg Joseph)
- Athens (Oliver Holden)
- Audi benigne (Oliver Hayes)
- Audi benigne conditor (Nicolas Merques)
- Audi benigne Conditor (Stanislav Surin)
- Aurora (Abijah Forbush)
- Aurora lucis rutilat (Andris Solims)
- Autumn (Daniel Belknap)
- Avon (Oliver Holden)
- Awake my soul, awake mine eyes (Ivybridge) (Thomas Clark)
- Awake, my soul, and with the sun (François-Hippolyte Barthélémon)
- Awake, my soul, in joyful lays (Thomas Clark)
- Awake, our souls; away, our fears (Dmitri Bortniansky)
- Babylon streams (Psalm 51) (Thomas Campion)
- Baggaduce (Jacob French)
- Balloon (Timothy Swan)
- Bambinello bello bello (Traditional)
- Barrington (Anonymous)
- Beauty (Jacob French)
- Before Jehovah's aweful throne (Louis Bourgeois)
- Before the Lord’s eternal throne (William Henry Monk)
- Behold the path that mortals tread (Thomas Clark)
- Bellingham (Jacob French)
- Benevolent Street (Oliver Shaw)
- Bennington (Daniel Read)
- Bensalem (Oliver Holden)
- Berkley (Alexander Gillet)
- Bethany (Jacob French)
- Bethesda (James P. Carrell)
- Blest be the name of Jacob's God (Joseph Haydn)
- Blest who with generous pity glows (Thomas Clark)
- Blue Hill (Daniel Belknap)
- Boston (Lowell Mason)
- Boston New (Ephraim Reed)
- Bourbon (Oliver Holden)
- Boxford (Samuel Holyoke)
- Brackley (Samuel Holyoke)
- Brandon (Samuel Holyoke)
- Brest (William Billings)
- Bridgwater (William Billings)
- Bright Reversion (Oliver Holden)
- Bristol (Timothy Swan)
- Broad is the road that leads to death (John Newton)
- Brockham (Jeremiah Clarke)
- Bromley (Jeremiah Clarke)
- Brownford (Samuel Holyoke)
- Burlington (Walter Janes)
- Burton (Elisha West)
- Burwick (Timothy Swan)
- Calvary (Samuel Holyoke)
- Cambridge (Oliver Brownson)
- Cambridge (Samuel Babcock)
- Camden (William Billings)
- Canaan (Stephen Jenks)
- Carolina (Jacob French)
- Castle Ashby (Thurlow Weed)
- Castle Island (Jacob French)
- Caton (Samuel Webbe Jr.)
- Charity (Samuel Babcock)
- Chelsea (1770) (William Billings)
- Chelsea (Samuel Holyoke)
- The Child's Request (Lewis Edson)
- China (Samuel Babcock)
- Christe qui lux es et dies (Michael Praetorius)
- Christe qui lux es et dies (Thomas Stoltzer)
- Christe Redemptor omnium (Felice Anerio)
- Christe redemptor omnium I (Anonymous)
- Christe redemptor omnium II (Anonymous)
- Christe redemptor omnium III (Anonymous)
- Christe redemptor omnium IV (Anonymous)
- Christian Soldier (James P. Carrell)
- Christianity (Jacob French)
- Citation (Ebenezer Child)
- Close of the Day (Hezekiah Moors)
- Come hither all ye weary souls (John Massey)
- Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove (Anonymous)
- Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove (Henry J. Gauntlett)
- Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove (Johann Hermann Schein)
- Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove (Joseph Barnby)
- Come, sinners, to the Gospel feast (Thurlow Weed)
- Come, thou celestial Spirit, come (Thomas Clark)
- Communion (Joseph Barnby)
- Complaint (Oliver Shaw)
- Concord (Daniel Belknap)
- Condescension (Daniel Read)
- Condescension (Hezekiah Moors)
- Conditor alme siderum (Johann Stadlmayr)
- Confession (Stephen Jenks)
- Confidence (Oliver Holden)
- Constant Peace (Oliver Holden)
- Contentment (Oliver Holden)
- Contrast (Oliver Holden)
- Coventry (Jacob French)
- Cowper (Oliver Holden)
- Creator of the starry height (Gregorian chant)
- Creator of the world, to thee (Anonymous)
- The Cross (Oliver Holden)
- Crucified (Charles H. Giffen)
- Crucifixion (Alexander Johnson)
- Crucifixion (Samuel Babcock)
- Crucifixion (Walter Janes)
- Crucifixion (William Billings)
- Dartmouth (Daniel Belknap)
- Declaration (Jacob French)
- Dedicatory Hymn (Oliver Holden)
- Deerfield (Samuel Holyoke)
- Delaware (William Billings)
- Descend from heaven, immortal Dove (Thomas Clark)
- Desire of Nations (Oliver Holden)
- Devotion (Alexander Johnson)
- Devotion (Daniel Read)
- Devotion (Jacob French)
- Discendi Santo Spirito, BWV 370 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Dissolution (Walter Janes)
- Doddington (Thurlow Weed)
- Dominion (Daniel Read)
- Dorchester (Samuel Babcock)
- Dormant (Jacob French)
- Dover (Timothy Swan)
- Doxology (Daniel Read)
- Dudley (William Billings)
- Duke Street
- Duxborough (William Billings)
- Eastborough (Samuel Holyoke)
- Eastford (Jacob French)
- Edinburgh (Samuel Holyoke)
- Ellington (Truman Wetmore)
- Emulation (Oliver Holden)
- Enfield (Daniel Belknap)
- Enfield (Daniel Read)
- Ephesus (Oliver Holden)
- Erie (Oliver Holden)
- Erstanden ist der heilge Christ, BWV 306 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Essex (Oliver Holden)
- Eternal depth of love divine (John Fawcett)
- Eternal rest grant them, we pray (Charles H. Giffen)
- Eternal source of every joy (Thomas Clark)
- Eternal source of every joy (Thomas Jarman)
- Eternal source of every joy (William Perry)
- Exhortation (Eliakim Doolittle)
- Exhortation (Jacob French)
- Experience (Jeremiah Ingalls)
- Extollation (Walter Janes)