Benedetto (Paolo Pandolfo)
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- Editor: Paolo Pandolfo (submitted 2014-02-04). Score information: A4, 1 page, 62 kB Copyright: CPDL
- Edition notes: You are free to perform this scores. Please, send me an email if you do a performance of this music. [email protected]
General Information
Title: Benedetto
Composer: Paolo Pandolfo
Lyricist: Paolo Pandolfo
Number of voices: 4vv Voicing: SATB
Genre: Sacred, Liturgical music
Language: Italian
Instruments: Organ
First published: 2013
Description: OFFERTORIO You are free to perform this score, but please send me and email ([email protected]) only to inform the Composer
External websites:
Original text and translations
Italian text
Benedetto sei Tu, Signore,
offro a Te ogni mia fatica.
Grano dorato che porge la terra,
raccogliamo i frutti che il Tuo Amore dona.
Benedetto Signore nei secoli, benedetto.
Vite feconda che vince la pietra,
raccogliamo i frutti che il Tuo Amore dona.
Benedetto Signore nei secoli, benedetto.