Belle qui tiens ma vie (Thoinot Arbeau)

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French.png French text

  • (Posted 2016-12-09)  CPDL #42228:     
Editor: Alexander Kobel (submitted 2016-12-09).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 132 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: after the first edition of the Orchésographie (Langres: Iehan des Preyz, 1589; available at the Library of Congress). Notable difference to other sources: secourir in the highest voice ends on f the first time, on fis the second time. The second edition (1596; available at the IMSLP) has f both times; most modern editions have fis both times.
  • (Posted 2016-08-17)  CPDL #40817:  Icon_pdf_globe.gif Icon_snd_globe.gif Icon_mp3_globe.gif Icon_ly_ext.png Network.png Part Midis and Mp3s Available
Editor: Monique Rio (submitted 2016-08-17).   Score information: Letter, 2 pages, 319 kB   Copyright: CC BY 4.0
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2011-10-23)  CPDL #24781:        Network.png
Editor: DFC Dresden (submitted 2011-10-23).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 85 kB   Copyright: CC BY SA
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2009-02-26)  CPDL #18967:   
Editor: Jim Cooke (submitted 2009-02-26).   Score information: A4, 2 pages, 64 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: SATB/tabor. Source: Arbeau, Thoinot, Orchésographie, 1596. Three verses selected. Tabor (Tambour) part placed under the voices; final note and 'bar for nothing' added. Note values halved.
  • (Posted 2008-04-05)  CPDL #16523:        Network.png More editions on external site
Editor: Aaron Elkiss (submitted 2008-04-05).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 218 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2007-09-01)  CPDL #14752:  Network.png
Editor: Christopher Shaw (submitted 2007-09-01).   Score information: Unknown, 1 page   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Please click on the link for preview/playback/PDF download.
  • (Posted 2006-01-09)  CPDL #10696:         
Editor: Brian Russell (submitted 2006-01-09).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 21 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: NoteWorthy Composer file may be viewed and printed with NoteWorthy Composer Viewer.
  • (Posted 2004-10-26)  CPDL #08352:        (Finale 2000)
Editor: Sabine Cassola (submitted 2004-10-26).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 108 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: SSAA, SSAT, contrafacta of 'Belle qui tiens ma vie'. Transposed up for women's voices. Full title: Belle qui tiens ma vie - Litania all quarta alta.
  • (Posted 2004-07-03)  CPDL #07444:  Network.png
Editor: Fernando Gómez Jácome (submitted 2014-01-30).   Score information: A4, 5 pages, 73 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Transcribed from Orchesografie (1589). With "tambour" accompaniment. Original value notes.
  • (Posted 2003-11-06)  CPDL #05930:         
Editor: Bettina Blokland (submitted 2003-11-06).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 27 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Files recovered using
  • (Posted 2003-05-30)  CPDL #05203:     
Editor: Jose Miguel Galan (submitted 2003-05-30).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 57 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2002-12-06)  CPDL #04316:  Network.png PDF, MIDI and LilyPond files available.
Editor: Peter Chubb (submitted 2002-12-06).   Score information: A4, 2 pages, 49 kB   Copyright: Public Domain
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2002-07-23)  CPDL #03873:  Network.png PDF, MIDI and NoteWorthy Composer files available.
Editor: Marco Gallo (submitted 2002-07-23).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 15 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: listed alphabetically by composer.
  • (Posted 2000-03-14)  CPDL #00749:  Network.png PDF and ABC files available.
Editor: Laura Conrad (submitted 2000-03-14).   Score information: Letter, 7 pages, 109 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Pavan
  • (Posted 2000-03-13)  CPDL #00736:        (Finale 1998)
Editor: François-Xavier Chauchat (submitted 2000-03-13).   Score information: Letter, 2 pages, 31 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

Spanish.png Spanish text: Amor que me cautivas

  • (Posted 2015-11-23)  CPDL #37639:       
Editor: Patrick Elvin (submitted 2015-11-23).   Score information: Letter, 1 page, 16 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2004-11-30)  CPDL #08640:  Network.png
Editor: Nancho Alvarez (submitted 2004-11-30).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 40 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: individual parts available as midi files. also available as Postscript file.

General Information

Title: Belle qui tiens ma vie (Pavan)
Composer: Thoinot Arbeau

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicings: SATB, SSAA or SSAT, transposed
Genre: SecularChanson

Languages: French, Spanish
Instruments: A capella, with optional tambour.

First published: 1589 in Orchésographie
Description: Dance song from Orchésographie, the dance manual written by Jehan Tabourot under the name of Thoinot Arbeau.

External websites:

Original text and translations

French.png French text

1  Belle, qui tiens ma vie captive dans tes yeux,
Qui m'a l'âme ravie d'un souriz gracieux,
Viens tôt me secourir, ou me faudra mourir.

2  Pourquoi fuis-tu, mignarde, si je suis près de toy?
Quand tes yeux je regarde, je me perds dedans moy,
Car tes perfections changent mes actions.

5  Approche donc, ma belle, approche toy mon bien.
Ne me sois plus rebelle, puisque mon coeur est tien,
Pour mon mal appaiser, donne moy un baiser.

6  Je meurs, mon Angelette, je meurs en te baisant,
Ta bouche tant doucette, va mon bien ravissant
A ce coup mes esprits sont tout d'amour épris.

7  Plutôt on verra l'onde contre mont reculer,
Et plutôt l'œil du monde cessera de brûler,
Que l'amour qui m'époint décroisse d'un seul point.

Dutch.png Dutch translation

1  Mijn lief, je houdt mijn bestaan met je blik gevangen,
Je verblindt me met je stralende glimlach,
Help me kom naar me toe, haal me uit mijn eenzaamheid.

2  Waarom blijf je zo schroomvallig als ik bij je ben,
Telkens ik in je ogen kijk, ben ik verloren,
Want al jouw volmaaktheden, brengen me van de wijs.

5  Kom toch dichterbij mijn lief, kom mijn schat,
En wees niet langer bevreesd, want mijn hart behoort jou toe,
Om mijn lijden te verzachten, geef me een zoen.

6  Ik besterf het, mijn engeltje, bij elke zoen,
Je mond is zo zacht en zo bekoorlijk,
Op slag is mijn geest van liefde beneveld.

7  Eerder nog zal een golf de berg op stromen,
En eerder nog de eeuwige zon uitdoven,
Dan dat ‘k in liefde voor jou te kort zou komen.

Translation by Jan Wyns
English.png English translation

1  Beauty, you who hold my life captive in your eyes,
Who make my soul glad with a gracious smile,
Come soon rescue me, or I shall die.

2  Why are you fleeing, sweetheart, when I am close to you,
When your eyes I look, I get lost in myself,
For you perfections change my behaviour.

5  Come my beauty, come my wellbeing,
Don't reject me, for my heart is yours,
To appease my pain, give me a kiss.

6  I am dying my little angel, I am dying while kissing you,
Your mouth so soft makes me feel better
Then my soul is fulfilled with love.

7  Sooner the waves against mountains shall recede,
And sooner the world's eye shall cease to burn
Before the love exciting me shall decrease of one dot.

Esperanto.png Esperanto translation

1  Belin’ al kiu sklavas senhelpe mia viv’,
kaj kies rido ravas l’ animon per sorĉiv’:
rifuza via vort’ min pelus al la mort’.

2  Pro kio vi hezitas restadi apud mi?
Ju pli vi min evitas, des amo kreskas pli.
Pro via perfektec’ atakas min frenez’.

5  Alvenu do, belino, al mia ama kor’,
rezignu pri obstino kaj sombron prenu for.
Min levu el mizer’ per kiso de tener’.

Translation by Arjen-Sjoerd de Vries
German.png German translation

1  Schöne, die du mein Leben in deinen Augen gefangen hältst,
die meine Seele beglückt mit einem anmutigen Lächeln,
eile mich zu retten, oder ich werde sterben.

2  Was fliehst du, meine Kleine, wenn ich dir nahe bin?
Wenn ich deine Augen sehe, verliere ich mich in mir,
weil deine Vollkommenheit meine Taten verändert.

5  Komm doch näher, meine Schöne, nähere dich zu meinem Wohl.
sei mir nicht länger abhold, denn mein Herz ist dein.
Um mein Leiden zu lindern, gib mir einen Kuß.

6  Ich sterbe, mein Engelchen, ich sterbe, während ich dich küsse,
dein süßes Mündchen ist so entzückend,
und sofort ist meine Seele von Liebe eingenommen.

7  Eher wird man die Wellen bergauf fließen sehen,
eher wird das Auge der Welt (die Sonne) aufhören zu scheinen,
als daß die Liebe, die mich ergriffen hat, auch nur einen Deut schwindet.

Translation by Martin Schubert
Spanish.png Spanish text

1  Amor que me cautivas con tu dulce mirar,
tus plantas bendecidas voy rendido a adorar.
Si tu amor no me das, ya muerto me verás.

5  Ven a mí bella rosa, ven a mi corazón,
no seas desdeñosa, no turbes mi razón.
Dejaré de penar, si me quieres besar.

7  Antes verás cansadas las olas de la mar,
las noches estrelladas su brillo declinar,
que de mi corazón se apague la pasión.