Audi dulcis amica mea

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Latin.png Latin text

Audi dulcis amica mea
auribus percipe verba oris mei
nigra es sed formosa et macula non est in te
ideo amore tuo langueo
et quia tribulor ad te confugio

Variant 1

exaudi deprecor orationem meum.

Variant 2

dextera mea amplexabitur te.

English.png English translation

Listen, my dear friend
and let your ears hear the words from my mouth.
You are dark but beautiful, and no blemish can be found on you
therefore I crave your love
and flee to you in my discomfort.

Variant 1

I beg of you, listen to my prayer.

Variant 2

and my right arm shall embrace you.

Translation by Campelli

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