Amor lasciami stare (Cornelio Antonelli)

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  • (Posted 2017-05-03)  CPDL #44356:         
Editor: James Gibb (submitted 2017-05-03).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 27 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Reformatting of #1406, with minor adjustments to the underlay.
  • (Posted 2000-09-27)  CPDL #01406:        (Finale 2000)
Editor: Claudio Macchi (submitted 2000-09-27).   Score information: Letter, 1 page, 16 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: transcribed from lute tablature.

General Information

Title: Amor lasciami stare
Composer: Cornelio Antonelli

Number of voices: 3vv   Voicing: TTB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published:

External websites:

Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Amor, lasciami stare
Deh non mi tormentare
Poi ch’io vivo lontano
Dal mio sole sospirando invano
Va' via dal mio pensiero
Crudel ed empio arciero
Ch’io sempre esser li voglio
Fedel fino a la morte come soglio.