Table: editions

70786Jason Smart2022-09-132022-09-13Edited from the Gyffard Partbooks with the original pitch and note values retained. Taverner almost certainly intended his polyphony to alternate with organ polyphony based on the Le Roy 'square'. Since no contemporary organ settings of this square survive, I have attempted to compose suitable sections in the Tudor keyboard style. See the commentary at the end of the score.13812Kyrie Le Roy (John Taverner)Kyrie Le RoyJohn Taverner2023-12-29 03:37:24

Table: files

70786.2Taverner-Kyrie.mid70786internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-12-29 03:37:25
70786.1Taverner-Kyrie.pdf70786internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 747PersonalA492023-12-29 03:37:25