Table: editions

65921Mick Swithinbank2021-09-282021-09-28Transposed down a minor third. Revised edition posted on 29 September 2021 thanks to advice on many points of detail from Thomas MacCracken, who has examined 14 different sources of the work.269179In illo tempore Maria Magdalene (Jean Mouton)In illo tempore Maria MagdaleneJean Mouton2023-09-16 09:34:47

Table: files

65921.2Mou_MarMag.mxl65921internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 09:34:47
65921.1Mou_MarMag.pdf65921internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 82CPDLA482023-09-16 09:34:47